
7,500–10,000 K
1.4–1.8 R
1.4–2.1 M

A型主序星(AV星)是光譜為A,亮度為V,在主序帶(氫燃燒)上恆星。這些恆星的定義是在恆星光譜类型A和光度级V。恆星光譜上有強烈的氫的巴耳末吸收譜線 ,它們的質量從太陽的1.4倍至2.1倍太陽質量,表面溫度在7,600至10,000K 。 明亮的和附近的A型主序星的例子包括牛郎星(A7 V)、天狼星A(A1 V)和織女星(A0 V)。

Uses material from the Wikipedia article "A型主序星", which is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.
Astronomical object 距离Wiki
101 AquariiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA294[x]
109 VirginisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA134[x]
11 BootisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA296[x]
11 OrionisStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA365[x]
111 HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA94[x]
14 CamelopardalisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA259[x]
15 AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA262[x]
16 CamelopardalisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA337[x]
16 LyraeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA123[x]
18 VulpeculaeStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission sourceA423[x]
2 LyncisStar, 聯星, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA157[x]
21 VulpeculaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA297[x]
26 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA216[x]
28 AndromedaeStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA205[x]
28 CepheiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA206[x]
33 BootisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA186[x]
38 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA119[x]
38 LyncisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA124[x]
4 CamelopardalisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA172[x]
41 TauriStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission source, Variable StarA420[x]
47 AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission sourceA208[x]
48 CassiopeiaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA114[x]
49 CetiStar, Blue object, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA193[x]
50 CassiopeiaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA157[x]
54 LeonisStar, Double or multiple starA287[x]
56 CygniStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA134[x]
58 AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA192[x]
58 AquariiStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA233[x]
60 HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA133[x]
62 AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA246[x]
64 AurigaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA278[x]
65 ArietisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA312[x]
67 TauriStar, Double or multiple star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA148[x]
68 OphiuchiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA293[x]
68 TauriStar, Double or multiple star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA149[x]
7 CygniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA351[x]
72 OphiuchiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA87[x]
AB AurigaeStar, Star in Nebula, 赫比格Ae/Be星, Emission-line Star, Infra-Red source, sub-millimetric source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA471[x]
AcamarStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double systemA161[x]
AlathfarStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA439[x]
AlderaminStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA49[x]
AlgorabStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA87[x]
AlhenaStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double system, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA109[x]
AliothStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA82[x]
Alpha CirciniStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA54[x]
Alpha CygniStar, Double or multiple star, Emission-line Star, Infra-Red source, Pulsating variable Star, 超巨星, UV-emission source, Variable StarA1412[x]
Alpha PictorisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA96[x]
AltairStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA17[x]
AscellaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA88[x]
Beta CirciniStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA100[x]
Beta HorologiiStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA294[x]
Beta OctantisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA149[x]
Beta PavonisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA135[x]
Beta PictorisStar, Infra-Red source, sub-millimetric source, UV-emission sourceA64[x]
C HydraeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA122[x]
C PuppisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA348[x]
CanopusStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA309[x]
CastorStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA51[x]
CD-39 6137Star, Galaxy, Infra-Red source, 行星状星云, Radio-sourceA2100[x]
ChertanStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA165[x]
Cor CaroliStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Blue object, Infra-Red source, 特殊恆星, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA115[x]
d ScorpiiStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA135[x]
Delta DoradusStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA150[x]
Delta HydriStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA139[x]
DenebolaStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA36[x]
e GeminorumStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA91[x]
Epsilon ArietisStar, Double or multiple starA333[x]
Epsilon GruisStar, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA129[x]
Epsilon MicroscopiiStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA183[x]
Epsilon MonocerotisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red sourceA123[x]
Epsilon PavonisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA105[x]
ET AquariiStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA319[x]
Eta HorologiiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA149[x]
Eta IndiStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA79[x]
Eta PhoenicisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA246[x]
Eta PyxidisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA232[x]
Eta TelescopiiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA157[x]
Eta TucanaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA155[x]
FomalhautStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, sub-millimetric source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA25[x]
Gamma CentauriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA131[x]
Gorgonea SecundaStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA309[x]
GY AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission source, Variable StarA523[x]
HezeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA74[x]
HIP 4911Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA313[x]
HIP 88726Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA137[x]
HR 10Star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA574[x]
HR 1528Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission sourceA273[x]
HR 273Star, Infra-Red source, 聯星, UV-emission sourceA350[x]
HR 3082Star, Double or multiple star, Star in double system, UV-emission sourceA323[x]
HR 4334Star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA182[x]
HR 5401Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA190[x]
HR 56Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA347[x]
HR 6297Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA169[x]
HR 7012Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA93[x]
HR 8884Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA245[x]
Iota CassiopeiaeStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA142[x]
Iota PhoenicisStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double system, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, Variable StarA249[x]
K CentauriStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA507[x]
k LupiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA392[x]
KaffaljidhmaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA80[x]