HIP 20277 HD 27894

Stellar classification



  • X 106
  • Y -96
  • Z 0
→ Sol: 143

Object type

  • High proper-motion Star
  • Star
simbad:HD 27894


Dist. Sol 0


HD 27894 is a 9th magnitude star located approximately 138 light years away in the constellation of Reticulum. It is an orange dwarf (spectral type K2V), a type dimmer and cooler than our Sun.

In 2005, the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team announced some of the discoveries of an extrasolar planet orbiting the star. In 2017, the discovery of two additional exoplanets was announced. One is very close to the star like the one discovered earlier, while the other one orbits the star at a much larger distance. It is the first system where such a large gap between orbital distances has been found.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "HD 27894", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
FoV: 24.98°
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