Iris Nebula


  • X -1393
  • Y 362
  • Z -340
→ Sol: ∼1,479

Object type

  • Dark nebula
simbad:NAME IRIS Nebula


Dist. Sol 0


The Iris Nebula, also NGC 7023 and Caldwell 4, is a bright reflection nebula and Caldwell object in the constellation Cepheus. NGC 7023 is actually the cluster within the nebula, LBN 487, and the nebula is lit by a magnitude +7 star, SAO 19158. It shines at magnitude +6.8. It is located near the Mira-type variable star T Cephei, and near the bright magnitude +3.23 variable star Beta Cephei (Alphirk). It lies 1,300 light-years away and is six light-years across.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Iris Nebula", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
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