Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type

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11 OrionisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA365
13 AndromedaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB300
21 Canum VenaticorumVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB275
36 AurigaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB1157
4 CygniVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB707
41 TauriVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA420
53 TauriVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB270
68 TauriVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA149[x]
73 DraconisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA395
9 TauriVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA426
AliothVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA82[x]
Alpha CirciniVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA54[x]
Alpha DoradusVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB169[x]
AlpheratzVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB96[x]
CG AndromedaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB613
Cor CaroliVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA115[x]
ET AquariiVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA319
GY AndromedaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA523[x]
HD 169744Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB1289
HD 196270Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type1013
HD 68074Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA1073
HIP 14736Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB472
HIP 16724Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB943
HIP 17911Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type881
HIP 18033Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB402
HIP 18339Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA160
HIP 3025Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB822
HIP 47272Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA591
HIP 78731Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB748
HIP 78756Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA473
HIP 80024Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB533
HIP 81477Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA432
HIP 98028Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA444
HIP 99340Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA995
HR 5158Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA388
HR 7129Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB430
HR 8206Variable Star of alpha2 CVn typeB603
Iota CassiopeiaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA142[x]
Iota PhoenicisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA249
MesarthimVariable Star of alpha2 CVn type204[x]
NashiraVariable Star of alpha2 CVn type157[x]
NusakanVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeF114[x]
Sigma SculptorisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA232
V1291 AquilaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeF261
V495 CarinaeVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA687
V970 ScorpiiVariable Star of alpha2 CVn type1607
VZ ArietisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA397
Xi PhoenicisVariable Star of alpha2 CVn typeA219