Variable Star of delta Sct type

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15 AndromedaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA262[x]
16 PerseiVariable Star of delta Sct typeF121
18 VulpeculaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA423
21 Leonis MinorisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA92
21 VulpeculaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA297
26 ArietisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA216[x]
27 VirginisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA205
28 AndromedaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA205[x]
38 ArietisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA119[x]
40 LeonisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF70
58 TauriVariable Star of delta Sct typeF154
60 TauriVariable Star of delta Sct typeA144
67 TauriVariable Star of delta Sct typeA148[x]
67 Ursae MajorisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF112
71 TauriVariable Star of delta Sct typeF160
82 PegasiVariable Star of delta Sct typeA183
AltairVariable Star of delta Sct typeA17[x]
BeidVariable Star of delta Sct typeF122
CaphVariable Star of delta Sct typeF55[x]
CN BootisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA70
Delta ScutiVariable Star of delta Sct typeF202[x]
DenebolaVariable Star of delta Sct typeA36[x]
F VelorumVariable Star of delta Sct typeA199[x]
Gliese 170.1Variable Star of delta Sct typeA141
GSC 05126-05601Variable Star of delta Sct type6133
HD 183280Variable Star of delta Sct typeA1102
HIP 10141Variable Star of delta Sct typeF335
HIP 10701Variable Star of delta Sct typeF268
HIP 115550Variable Star of delta Sct typeF418
HIP 115858Variable Star of delta Sct typeA367
HIP 14264Variable Star of delta Sct typeF349
HIP 14521Variable Star of delta Sct typeF270
HIP 15172Variable Star of delta Sct typeA822
HIP 21459Variable Star of delta Sct typeF155
HIP 22192Variable Star of delta Sct typeA183
HIP 25205Variable Star of delta Sct typeA277
HIP 30252Variable Star of delta Sct typeA233
HIP 36381Variable Star of delta Sct typeA315
HIP 50070Variable Star of delta Sct typeF169
HIP 50685Variable Star of delta Sct typeA402
HIP 51075Variable Star of delta Sct typeA411
HIP 55781Variable Star of delta Sct type328
HIP 5661Variable Star of delta Sct typeA227
HIP 58410Variable Star of delta Sct typeA353
HIP 59093Variable Star of delta Sct typeA336
HIP 59527Variable Star of delta Sct typeF278
HIP 64498Variable Star of delta Sct typeF181
HIP 6888Variable Star of delta Sct typeA299
HIP 85840Variable Star of delta Sct typeA233
HIP 8593Variable Star of delta Sct typeA252
HIP 92517Variable Star of delta Sct typeF6170
HIP 96530Variable Star of delta Sct typeA487
HR 4684Variable Star of delta Sct typeA280
HR 5491Variable Star of delta Sct typeA213
HR 5492Variable Star of delta Sct typeF132
HR 5930Variable Star of delta Sct typeA167
HR 5960Variable Star of delta Sct typeF109
HR 7197Variable Star of delta Sct typeF223
HR 7501Variable Star of delta Sct typeF279
HR 8210Variable Star of delta Sct type151[x]
HR 8437Variable Star of delta Sct typeA254
HR 8666Variable Star of delta Sct typeF186
R Canis MajorisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF139[x]
Rho PavonisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF189
Rho PhoenicisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF242
Rho PuppisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF64[x]
Rho VirginisVariable Star of delta Sct typeA118
RZ CassiopeiaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA212
s EridaniVariable Star of delta Sct typeF129
SeginusVariable Star of delta Sct typeA87[x]
Tau CygniVariable Star of delta Sct typeF66[x]
Theta TucanaeVariable Star of delta Sct typeA425
TureisVariable Star of delta Sct typeF766
V1212 ScorpiiVariable Star of delta Sct typeF4034
VegaVariable Star of delta Sct typeA25[x]