
長周期変光星(ちょうしゅうきへんこうせい)(long-period variableは、明るさの変化の周期が数か月から数年と長期に及ぶ変光星の種類である。長周期変光星は巨星であり、スペクトル型はF以赤であるが、ほとんどは赤色巨星か漸近巨星分枝星であり、スペクトル型はM、S、Cである。深い橙色か赤色に見える。

Uses material from the Wikipedia article "長周期変光星", which is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.
天体 距離ウィキ
AD PerseiSemi-regular pulsating StarM7655
AlsciaukatSemi-regular pulsating StarK382[x]
BetelgeuseSemi-regular pulsating StarM498[x]
BrachiumSemi-regular pulsating StarM288
Chi CygniVariable Star of Mira Cet typeS589[x]
Epsilon MuscaeSemi-regular pulsating StarM302
Eta Sculptoris長周期変光星M452
FT Cephei長周期変光星1482
FZ PerseiSemi-regular pulsating StarM7675
Gorgonea TertiaSemi-regular pulsating StarM308[x]
HD 136695Variable Star of Mira Cet typeM1029
HD 14028Variable Star of Mira Cet typeS1463
HD 148173長周期変光星C1007
HD 180953長周期変光星C1745
HD 215673長周期変光星C6154
HD 219978長周期変光星K1965
HD 220958Semi-regular pulsating StarK1090
HD 224225Semi-regular pulsating StarM1310
HD 224855Semi-regular pulsating StarC2861
HIP 103645Semi-regular pulsating StarM924
HIP 15145Semi-regular pulsating StarM563
HIP 15241Semi-regular pulsating StarG439
HIP 17873Semi-regular pulsating StarG323
HIP 23520長周期変光星C926
HIP 24169Semi-regular pulsating StarM485
HIP 29896Semi-regular pulsating StarC1568
HIP 363長周期変光星C867
HIP 37391Semi-regular pulsating StarM455
HIP 40977Variable Star of Mira Cet typeS122
HIP 41061長周期変光星C1681
HIP 52656Semi-regular pulsating StarC906
HIP 62918長周期変光星M6492
HIP 65763長周期変光星K438
HIP 77445長周期変光星M948
HIP 87820Variable Star of Mira Cet type278
HIP 87913長周期変光星K833
HIP 9057Variable Star of Mira Cet typeC943
HR 4739Semi-regular pulsating StarM443
HR 7523Semi-regular pulsating StarM819
HR 8714Semi-regular pulsating StarS1365
Iota TucanaeSemi-regular pulsating StarG305
KY Cygni長周期変光星M5000[x]
Mu AquilaeVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM107
Mu Nora長周期変光星G126
Mu VelorumVariable Star of Mira Cet type117
NLTT 26813Semi-regular pulsating StarK76
Nu Hydrae長周期変光星M143[x]
Nu TelescopiiSemi-regular pulsating Star162
OP HerculisSemi-regular pulsating StarM967
Pi PuppisSemi-regular pulsating StarK807[x]
Q Carinae長周期変光星K393
R CentauriVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM1255
R DoradusSemi-regular pulsating StarM203
R SculptorisSemi-regular pulsating StarC867[x]
RasalgethiSemi-regular pulsating StarM360[x]
Rho CassiopeiaeSemi-regular pulsating StarG11649[x]
RS PerseiSemi-regular pulsating StarM7670[x]
S PerseiSemi-regular pulsating StarM...[x]
Sigma Canis Majoris長周期変光星K1121[x]
T CentauriSemi-regular pulsating StarK1376[x]
TapiaVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM121
V361 Carinae長周期変光星M7793
V439 Persei長周期変光星M7669
V740 CassiopeiaeSemi-regular pulsating StarG99
w CentauriVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM190
W CygniSemi-regular pulsating StarM570[x]
W OrionisSemi-regular pulsating StarC1231
w VelorumVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM211
X HerculisSemi-regular pulsating StarM447
Y Canum VenaticorumSemi-regular pulsating StarC...[x]
y CentauriSemi-regular pulsating StarM170
Y VelorumVariable Star of Mira Cet typeM71