
Effectieve temperatuur
7,500–10,000 K
1.4–1.8 R
1.4–2.1 M

Een A-type hoofdreeks ster (A V) is een hoofdreeks-ster die brandt op waterstof-fusie. Dit type ster heeft een spectraal-classificatie A en een lichtkrachtklasse V. Deze sterren hebben 1,6 tot 2,4 keer de massa van de Zon en een oppervlaktetemperatuur tussen 7100 en 9700 K. Deze temperatuur geeft de ster een witte kleur. Hierdoor wordt de ster soms ook een witte-hoofdreeks-ster genoemd.

Uses material from the Wikipedia article "Type-A hoofdreeksster", which is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.
Hemellichaam AfstandWiki
50 CassiopeiaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA157[x]
68 TauriStar, Double or multiple star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA149[x]
AcamarStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double systemA161[x]
AlathfarStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA439[x]
AlcorStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA82[x]
AlderaminStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA49[x]
AlgorabStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA87[x]
AlhenaStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double system, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA109[x]
AliothStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA82[x]
Alpha CirciniStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA54[x]
Alpha CygniStar, Double or multiple star, Emission-line Star, Infra-Red source, Pulsating variable Star, Superreus, UV-emission source, Variable StarA1412[x]
Alpha PictorisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA96[x]
AltairStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA17[x]
AscellaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA88[x]
Beta PavonisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA135[x]
CanopusStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA309[x]
CastorStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA51[x]
CD-39 6137Star, Sterrenstelsel, Infra-Red source, Planetaire nevel, Radio-sourceA2100[x]
ChertanStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA165[x]
Cor CaroliStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Blue object, Infra-Red source, Peculiar star, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA115[x]
DenebolaStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA36[x]
Epsilon GruisStar, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA129[x]
FomalhautStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, sub-millimetric source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA25[x]
Gamma CentauriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA131[x]
Gorgonea SecundaStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA309[x]
HezeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA74[x]
Lambda MuscaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA127[x]
MegrezStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA81[x]
MerakStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA80[x]
MiaplacidusStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA113[x]
RasalhagueStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA47[x]
SabikStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA88[x]
SarinStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA75[x]
SeginusStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA87[x]
SiriusStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA9[x]
SkatStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA161[x]
TalithaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA47[x]
Tania BorealisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA138[x]
Upsilon CarinaeStar, Double or multiple starA1437[x]
VegaStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, sub-millimetric source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA25[x]
YildunStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA172[x]
Zeta AquilaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA83[x]
ZosmaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA59[x]
10 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in Cluster, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA351
10 HydraeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA210
10 SerpentisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA130
101 AquariiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA294
101 HerculisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA329
108 HerculisStar, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission sourceA183
109 VirginisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA134
11 BootisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA296
11 OrionisStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA365
11 TauriStar, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission sourceA478
11 VirginisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA144
110 TauriStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA407
111 HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA94
12 SextantisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA195
13 DelphiniStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA429
14 CamelopardalisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA259
14 PegasiStar, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission sourceA275
14 PisciumStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA212
15 AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA262
16 CamelopardalisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA337
16 LyraeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA123
17 CapricorniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA264
18 OrionisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA443
18 VulpeculaeStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission sourceA423
19 GeminorumStar, Infra-Red sourceA440
2 LyncisStar, Dubbelster, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA157
21 Leonis MinorisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA92
21 PisciumStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA304
21 VulpeculaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA297
24 Canum VenaticorumStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA181
26 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA216
27 VirginisStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA205
28 AndromedaeStar, Double or multiple star, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA205
28 CepheiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA206
2MASS J03290575+3116396Sterrenstelsel, Infra-Red source, Radio-source, X-ray source, Jong stellair objectA1217
30 Comae BerenicesStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA303
30 DraconisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA217
31 CassiopeiaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA277
31 PisciumStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA401
33 BootisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA186
35 CassiopeiaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarA255
36 CygniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA203
38 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarA119
38 LyncisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceA124
4 CamelopardalisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceA172
4 CepheiStar, Star in Cluster, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA140
4 EridaniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA156
4 SagittariiStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA416
4 SerpentisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA151
40 CygniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA265
40 Leonis MinorisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA149
41 TauriStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission source, Variable StarA420
41 VirginisStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA199
45 CapricorniStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceA173
45 OrionisStar, Double or multiple star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Infra-Red sourceA360
47 AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission sourceA208
48 CassiopeiaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, Dubbelster, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceA114