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1 AurigaeStarK504
1 GeminorumStar, Variable StarG155
1 HydraeStar, High proper-motion StarF87
1 PegasiStarK156
10 ArietisStarF159
10 Canum VenaticorumStar, High proper-motion StarF56
10 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in ClusterA351
10 HydraeStarA210
10 LacertaeStar, Variable StarO1726
10 SerpentisStarA130
10 TauriStar, High proper-motion StarF45
10 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion StarF52
101 AquariiStarA294
101 HerculisStarA329
101 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF133
103 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Emission-line StarB1496
105 PisciumStarK392
106 AquariiStarB379
108 HerculisStarA183
109 HerculisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK119
109 PisciumStar, High proper-motion StarG106[x]
109 VirginisStar, Variable StarA134
11 AquilaeStar, Variable StarF158
11 BootisStarA296
11 CepheiStar, High proper-motion StarK182
11 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG37
11 OrionisStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA365
11 TauriStarA478
11 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarA144[x]
110 HerculisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF63
110 TauriStarA407
111 HerculisStarA94
111 TauriStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Variable StarF47
112 PisciumStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG110
116 TauriStarB424
12 AndromedaeStarF137
12 AquariiStarK106
12 CepheiStar, Star in ClusterM458
12 PerseiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF79
12 SextantisStar, Variable StarA195
12 TauriStarK372
12 VirginisStar, High proper-motion Star164
120 TauriStar, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB1553
122 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF158
128 CarinaeStarF109
13 AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB300
13 CetiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarF69
13 DelphiniStar, Variable StarA429
13 OrionisStar, High proper-motion StarG90
13 PegasiStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Variable StarF109
13 TrianguliStarG102
13 VulpeculaeStarB334
14 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG258[x]
14 ArietisStarF320
14 BootisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF111
14 CamelopardalisStarA259
14 CygniStarB652
14 EridaniStarF111
14 HerculisStar, High proper-motion StarK58[x]
14 OphiuchiStarF181
14 PegasiStarA275
14 PisciumStarA212
14 TauriStarG409
14 VulpeculaeStarF160
15 AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA262
15 DelphiniStarF100
15 EridaniStarK255
15 GeminorumStarK58
15 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG60
15 PegasiStar, Rotationally variable StarF90
16 CamelopardalisStarA337
16 CepheiStar, High proper-motion StarF120
16 CygniStar69[x]
16 LibraeStar, High proper-motion StarF88
16 LyraeStar, Variable StarA123
16 PerseiStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF121
16 PisciumStarF102
17 CapricorniStarA264
17 CraterisStarF87
17 CygniStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF70
17 DraconisStarB412
17 LyraeStarF136
17 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarF98
17 VulpeculaeStarB504
171 PuppisStar, High proper-motion StarF49
18 AquariiStar, Variable StarF153
18 AquilaeStar, Variable StarB699
18 BootisStarF85
18 CamelopardalisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF140
18 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarG101
18 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in ClusterF201
18 LibraeStarK310
18 OrionisStarA443
18 PuppisStar, High proper-motion StarF73
18 ScorpiiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG46[x]
18 TauriStar, Star in ClusterB410
18 VulpeculaeStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct typeA423
19 AquilaeStar, Variable StarF149
19 GeminorumStarA440
19 Leonis MinorisStarF92
2 CygniStarB843
2 LibraeStarK334
2 LyncisStar, Variable StarA157
20 AquariiStarF207
20 ArietisStar, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarF138
20 CepheiStar, Variable StarK303
20 GeminorumStarF355
20 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG49
20 OphiuchiStarF104
20 PerseiStar, Variable StarF230
21 Canum VenaticorumStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB275
21 DracoStarF76
21 EridaniStar, High proper-motion StarK110
21 Leonis MinorisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA92
21 PisciumStarA304
21 VulpeculaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA297
212 PuppisStar, High proper-motion StarF58
22 LyncisStarF66
23 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarF114
23 ArietisStarF104
23 GeminorumStarF257
23 LibraeStar, High proper-motion StarG86[x]
24 AquariiStar, High proper-motion StarF143
24 Canum VenaticorumStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA181
24 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG108
24 Ursae MinorisStar, High proper-motion Star153
25 ArietisStar, High proper-motion StarF122
25 SagittariiStar, Variable StarF4182
25 ScorpiiStarK706
26 AndromedaeStarB662
26 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA216
26 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarF46
26 OphiuchiStarF110
26 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF247
27 ArietisStarG289
27 VirginisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA205
27 VulpeculaeStarB318
28 AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA205
28 CepheiStarA206
28 Ursae MajorisStarF253
28 VulpeculaeStarB522
29 ArietisStarF98
29 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarG158
29 PerseiStar, Star in ClusterB638
2e 604Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowaM68
2MASS J00071303-3008308Star, Star in Cluster865
2MASS J02203674+5705366Star, Star in ClusterG7691
2MASS J02211701+5708426Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7647
2MASS J02213620+5711087Star, Star in ClusterG7650
2MASS J02214293+5705306Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7653
2MASS J02214438+5708538Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7618
2MASS J02214446+5710522Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7612
2MASS J02214671+5707269Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7656
2MASS J02214692+5709538Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7636
2MASS J02214964+5708215Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7651
2MASS J02215556+5705586Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7615
2MASS J02220081+5707320Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7691
2MASS J02220247+5709204Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7665
2MASS J02220490+5706018Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7666
2MASS J02221369+5705173Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7622
2MASS J02221464+5706139Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7661
2MASS J02305691+6116297Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6121
2MASS J02310993+6119271Star in Association, Young Stellar ObjectB6050
2MASS J02321086+6133080Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectO5982
2MASS J02322744+6127009Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6070
2MASS J02324756+6127000Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6008
2MASS J02324932+6126416Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6089
2MASS J02325948+6136347Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB5974
2MASS J02332048+6132232Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB5928
2MASS J02333009+6128540Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB5901
2MASS J02334718+6152226Star in Association, Young Stellar Object6137
2MASS J02334774+6128234Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object5958
2MASS J02340253+6123108Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectO5969
2MASS J02343669+6123288Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object5973
2MASS J02344671+6123299Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6056
2MASS J02351897+6131236Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object5929
2MASS J02352946+6119539Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object6130
2MASS J02360396+6125070Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB6106
2MASS J03285769+3119481Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1364
2MASS J03285842+3122175Star, Young Stellar Object1237
2MASS J03285930+3115485Young Stellar ObjectK1398
2MASS J03285933+3120082Star, Young Stellar Object1211
2MASS J03290015+3121092Star, Brown Dwarf (M<0.08solMass), Young Stellar ObjectM1187
2MASS J03290332+3123148Star, Young Stellar Object1098
2MASS J03290575+3116396Young Stellar ObjectA1217
2MASS J03290794+3122515Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1322
2MASS J03290895+3122562Star, Young Stellar Object1292
2MASS J03291018+3127159Star, Brown Dwarf (M<0.08solMass), Young Stellar ObjectM1253
2MASS J03291046+3123348Star, Young Stellar Object1331
2MASS J03291977+3124572Star, Star in Nebula, Young Stellar ObjectB1096
2MASS J03292204+3124153Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1265
2MASS J03292407+3119577Star, Young Stellar Object1084
2MASS J03292798+3125109Star, Young Stellar Object1248
2MASS J03293286+3127126Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1285
2MASS J04293816+3519001Young Stellar Object2552
2MASS J04293913+3516197Young Stellar ObjectM2584
2MASS J04294414+3514523Young Stellar Object2555
2MASS J04294419+3512301Young Stellar ObjectM2572
2MASS J04294641+3519546Young Stellar ObjectM2576
2MASS J04294853+3512125Young Stellar ObjectM2593
2MASS J04294921+3514227Young Stellar Object2579
2MASS J04294960+3514439Young Stellar Object2561
2MASS J04295129+3512224Young Stellar Object2550
2MASS J04295566+3520210Young Stellar Object2582
2MASS J04295586+3510161Young Stellar ObjectM2591
2MASS J04295601+3521360Young Stellar Object2650
2MASS J04295717+3519178Star, Young Stellar Object2592
2MASS J04295853+3516172Young Stellar ObjectM2609
2MASS J04295914+3518482Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectK2564
2MASS J04295977+3513341Young Stellar ObjectK2570
2MASS J04300069+3517577Star, Young Stellar Object2560
2MASS J04300204+3510280Young Stellar Object2557
2MASS J04300204+3514010Young Stellar Object2587
2MASS J04300412+3516272Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2595
2MASS J04300584+3517005Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2597
2MASS J04300682+3521052Young Stellar Object2626
2MASS J04300744+3517541Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2554
2MASS J04300770+3515101Star, Young Stellar Object2571
2MASS J04300782+3514091Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2596
2MASS J04300795+3516497Star, Young Stellar Object2565
2MASS J04300819+3517234Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2553
2MASS J04300824+3514101Star, Young Stellar Object2558
2MASS J04300853+3515308Star, Young Stellar Object2581
2MASS J04300897+3514325Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2575
2MASS J04300985+3514164Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectK2559
2MASS J04300995+3515377Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2573
2MASS J04301053+3516500Star, Young Stellar Object2586
2MASS J04301104+3516035Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectK2594
2MASS J04301150+3517024Star, Young Stellar ObjectG2580
2MASS J04301274+3517210Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2577
2MASS J04301307+3521397Young Stellar ObjectM2566
2MASS J04301451+3513326Young Stellar Object2562
2MASS J04301473+3520142Young Stellar Object2599
2MASS J04301631+3515238Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2551
2MASS J04301658+3515419Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2569
2MASS J04301681+3514442Star, Young Stellar Object2607
2MASS J04301714+3516156Star, Young Stellar Object2600
2MASS J04301726+3515379Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectK2589
2MASS J04301802+3522565Young Stellar Object2574
2MASS J04301927+3516017Star, Young Stellar Object2601
2MASS J04301948+3517238Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2604
2MASS J04301964+3516597Star, Young Stellar Object2563
2MASS J04301984+3514208Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2598
2MASS J04301989+3514379Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2611
2MASS J04302001+3521092Young Stellar Object2610
2MASS J04302081+3515118Star, Young Stellar Object2583
2MASS J04302267+3519081Young Stellar ObjectM2612
2MASS J04302701+3520285Young Stellar Object2603
2MASS J04302735+3509185Young Stellar Object2590
2MASS J04303028+3521040Young Stellar ObjectK2567
2MASS J04303043+3518338Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM2607
2MASS J04303051+3517448Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object2585
2MASS J04303179+3511043Young Stellar ObjectM2557
2MASS J04303363+3521106Young Stellar Object2602
2MASS J04303668+3517173Young Stellar ObjectM2613
2MASS J04303955+3518069Young Stellar Object2578
2MASS J04303958+3511128Young Stellar ObjectM2608
2MASS J04304090+3513522Young Stellar Object2588
2MASS J05332561-0523541Star in Cluster1266
2MASS J05334918-0523023Star in Cluster, Emission-line StarM1251
2MASS J05340474-0459123Star in Cluster1250
2MASS J05340691+1001005Star1499
2MASS J05341377-0500041Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1268
2MASS J05341387-0536353Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular typeM1287
2MASS J05342073-0532351Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1288
2MASS J05342743-0500263Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1335
2MASS J05343276-0458467Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1338
2MASS J05343773-0602336Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectM1262
2MASS J05343894-0557536Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1283
2MASS J05343903-0455288Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1255
2MASS J05344286-0525163Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Young Stellar ObjectK1278
2MASS J05345230-0635087Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectM1256
2MASS J05345373-0505489Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star1331
2MASS J05345559-0555293Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1257
2MASS J05345560-0529375Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1321
2MASS J05345636-0533404Star, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1260
2MASS J05345745-0456454Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1324
2MASS J05345939-0607229Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1258
2MASS J05350201-0518341Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1338
2MASS J05350243-0520465Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Young Stellar ObjectK1266
2MASS J05350303-0459597Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object1321
2MASS J05350405-0532188Star, Variable Star of irregular type1250
2MASS J05350406-0548540Star in Cluster, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1281
2MASS J05351029-0532372Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Young Stellar Object1276
2MASS J05351047-0526003Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular type, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1305
2MASS J05351091-0522463Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1256
2MASS J05351188-0519261Star, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1261
2MASS J05351250-0448214Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1266
2MASS J05351404-0525499Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarM1290
2MASS J05351433-0525156Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular type1285
2MASS J05351460-0524428Star1304
2MASS J05351463-0516461Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1305
2MASS J05351541-0524115Star1285
2MASS J05351609-0524112Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular typeM1255
2MASS J05351640-0458020Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1329
2MASS J05351767-0525106Star, Star in Cluster1291
2MASS J05351794-0525338Star1300
2MASS J05351809-0515461Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1305
2MASS J05351924-0547012Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1287
2MASS J05351950-0521045Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectM1305
2MASS J05351979-0514053Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular type, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1270
2MASS J05351986-0530321Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1300
2MASS J05352192-0528273Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1261
2MASS J05352208-0524327Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1321
2MASS J05352241-0525093Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectK1334
2MASS J05352398-0525098Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1334
2MASS J05352538-0551087Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectF1252
2MASS J05352547-0521349Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object1296
2MASS J05353002-0434276Star in Cluster1290
2MASS J05353092-0555423Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1254
2MASS J05353242-0514247Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1309
2MASS J05353361-0528506Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1289
2MASS J05353461-0515528Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of irregular type, Young Stellar ObjectM1325
2MASS J05353812-0528336Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1310
2MASS J05353834-0528346Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1309
2MASS J05353951-0435137Star in Cluster1344
2MASS J05354379-0509588Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1303
2MASS J05354491-0430545Star in Cluster1342
2MASS J05354661-0522243Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1273
2MASS J05354912-0453064Star in Cluster1319
2MASS J05360335-0457404Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1293
2MASS J05361988-0556082Star in Cluster1287
2MASS J05362100-0527340Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable StarK1252
2MASS J05362819-0524176Star, Star in ClusterG1285
2MASS J05365617+0931227StarM1426
2MASS J05405666-0211157Star in Cluster1291
2MASS J05412088-0217528Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1290
2MASS J06391562+0939129Star2165
2MASS J06401244+0944231Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line StarM2210
2MASS J06410295+0947543Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectG2195
2MASS J06411380+0955439Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectG2204
2MASS J10353813-5812207Star, Star in Cluster, Be StarB7512
2MASS J10354048-5813410Star in Cluster7610
2MASS J10354231-5813561Star in Cluster7501
2MASS J10360045-5814550Star in Cluster7506
2MASS J10423735-5950507Young Stellar Object8776
2MASS J10431402-6005042Young Stellar Object8884
2MASS J10431537-5959561Young Stellar Object8847
2MASS J10431550-5947073Young Stellar Object8648
2MASS J10441589-6003096Young Stellar Object8968
2MASS J10442251-5939258Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB8068
2MASS J10451723-5945478Star, Young Stellar Object8543
2MASS J10452605-5940025Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object8385
2MASS J11123235-6049477Star in Cluster5375
2MASS J11124465-6049311Star in Cluster5363
2MASS J11125299-6050229Star in Cluster5344
2MASS J11125503-6048389Star in Cluster5303
2MASS J11130226-6053162Star in Cluster5308
2MASS J11130574-6052594Star in Cluster5400
2MASS J11130805-6047190Star in Cluster5342
2MASS J11130908-6048024Star in Cluster5378
2MASS J11130920-6049433Star in Cluster5324
2MASS J11131302-6046029Star in Cluster5306
2MASS J11131429-6050135Star in Cluster5314
2MASS J11131624-6047179Star in Cluster5348
2MASS J11131717-6049595Star in Cluster5307
2MASS J11131895-6047118Star in Cluster5384
2MASS J11132002-6046329Star in Cluster5384
2MASS J11132692-6049255Star in Cluster5327
2MASS J11132923-6047409Star in Cluster5383
2MASS J11133615-6048239Star in Cluster5375
2MASS J12151637+2921026StarM325
2MASS J12162346+2825101StarM288
2MASS J12174785+2807134StarM272
2MASS J12202436+2508225StarM273
2MASS J12203634+2505351StarM282
2MASS J12232153+2142452StarK250
2MASS J12235738+2453292Star, Brown Dwarf (M<0.08solMass)M264
2MASS J12285766+2746482Star, Star in ClusterK307
2MASS J12290479+2504139StarM277
2MASS J16492509-5342487Star, Star in ClusterK3083
2MASS J16543745-4147071Star, Star in Cluster, Be StarB4188
2MASS J18021147-2407441Star, Star in Cluster4241
2MASS J18022002-2452320Star, Star in Cluster4226
2MASS J18023983-2440276Star, Star in Cluster4493
2MASS J18035526-2417000Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4386
2MASS J18035798-2424418Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4381
2MASS J18035898-2418177Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM4380
2MASS J18035987-2402312Star, Star in Cluster4490
2MASS J18040152-2413233Star, Star in Cluster4498
2MASS J18040430-2417105Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectG4208
2MASS J18040526-2423388Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4464
2MASS J18040576-2414550Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4414
2MASS J18040918-2427203Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4463
2MASS J18041248-2419430Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4473
2MASS J18041277-2421430Star, Star in ClusterB4355
2MASS J18041327-2413589Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectM4457
2MASS J18041336-2424512Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4398
2MASS J18041560-2421518Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4365
2MASS J18041776-2417098Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4282
2MASS J18041924-2421354Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4482
2MASS J18042109-2423254Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4306
2MASS J18042132-2427451Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4440
2MASS J18042369-2422398Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4268
2MASS J18042379-2416353Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of Orion Type, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object4477
2MASS J18042652-2419043Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object4496
2MASS J18042914-2421526Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4348
2MASS J18043220-2421280Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object4460
2MASS J18043931-2422345Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4486
2MASS J18045161-2425157Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar ObjectK4468
2MASS J18163033-1701414Young Stellar Object5476
2MASS J18163215-1703490Young Stellar Object5514
2MASS J18163416-1701343Young Stellar Object5491
2MASS J18163587-1701353Young Stellar Object5459
2MASS J18163799-1659526Young Stellar Object5467
2MASS J18163839-1657057Young Stellar Object5495
2MASS J18163880-1704125Young Stellar Object5506
2MASS J18163884-1703081Young Stellar Object5496
2MASS J18163890-1658335Young Stellar Object5486
2MASS J18163997-1704357Young Stellar Object5504
2MASS J18164073-1703186Young Stellar Object5468
2MASS J18164169-1703130Young Stellar Object5469
2MASS J18164310-1656251Young Stellar Object5457
2MASS J18164361-1701261Young Stellar Object5458
2MASS J18165040-1700553Young Stellar Object5468
2MASS J18165060-1703239Young Stellar Object5484
2MASS J18165319-1659411Young Stellar Object5464
2MASS J18165366-1703070Young Stellar Object5514
2MASS J18165680-1701247Young Stellar Object5521
2MASS J18165681-1702270Young Stellar Object5544
2MASS J18170082-1701573Young Stellar Object5513
2MASS J18170400-1701442Young Stellar Object5513
2MASS J18171016-1659361Young Stellar Object5474
2MASS J18171223-1657310Young Stellar Object5470
2MASS J18171299-1704379Young Stellar Object5455
2MASS J18171300-1701047Young Stellar Object5527
2MASS J18171704-1659394Young Stellar Object5503
2MASS J18172055-1700392Young Stellar Object5508
2MASS J18172083-1704349Young Stellar Object5455
2MASS J18172240-1709401Young Stellar Object5542
2MASS J18172294-1703258Young Stellar Object5464
2MASS J18172328-1703238Young Stellar Object5510
2MASS J18172380-1702098Young Stellar Object5501
2MASS J18172554-1704067Young Stellar Object5495
2MASS J18172691-1702159Young Stellar Object5465
2MASS J18172752-1701381Young Stellar Object5512
2MASS J18172818-1708528Young Stellar Object5550
2MASS J18172898-1656517Young Stellar Object5512
2MASS J18173266-1658240Young Stellar Object5488
2MASS J18173523-1659186Young Stellar Object5531
2MASS J18173576-1657024Young Stellar Object5529
2MASS J18173803-1703004Young Stellar Object5495
2MASS J18173970-1705362Young Stellar Object5494
2MASS J18174070-1659501Young Stellar Object5459
2MASS J18174517-1706184Young Stellar Object5550
2MASS J18174690-1700014Young Stellar Object5549
2MASS J18174814-1716013Young Stellar Object5465
2MASS J18174903-1659274Young Stellar Object5536
2MASS J18174911-1700030Young Stellar Object5517
2MASS J18175026-1659370Young Stellar Object5545
2MASS J18175205-1701117Young Stellar Object5541
2MASS J18175477-1657106Young Stellar Object5519
2MASS J18175738-1659211Young Stellar Object5534
2MASS J18175838-1702401Young Stellar Object5510
2MASS J18175900-1653304Young Stellar Object5528
2MASS J18175968-1700092Young Stellar Object5457
2MASS J18180049-1655215Young Stellar Object5478
2MASS J18180108-1657054Young Stellar Object5536
2MASS J18180115-1653372Young Stellar Object5516
2MASS J18180418-1652580Young Stellar Object5503
2MASS J18180452-1654234Young Stellar Object5475
2MASS J18180605-1653456Young Stellar Object5525
2MASS J18180631-1652139Young Stellar Object5525
2MASS J18180795-1654200Young Stellar Object5544
2MASS J18180905-1658380Young Stellar Object5491
2MASS J18180980-1652117Young Stellar Object5500
2MASS J18181172-1650553Young Stellar Object5526
2MASS J18181218-1657232Young Stellar Object5503
2MASS J18181234-1649251Young Stellar Object5521
2MASS J18181264-1654135Young Stellar Object5517
2MASS J18181294-1659215Young Stellar Object5549
2MASS J18181409-1652188Young Stellar Object5546
2MASS J18181875-1653174Young Stellar Object5478
2MASS J18181905-1658499Young Stellar Object5468
2MASS J18181957-1646514Young Stellar Object5460
2MASS J18182333-1649085Young Stellar Object5472
2MASS J18182458-1643092Young Stellar Object5521
2MASS J18182559-1649049Young Stellar Object5505
2MASS J18182838-1653028Young Stellar Object5522
2MASS J18182892-1653219Young Stellar Object5546
2MASS J18182894-1641115Young Stellar Object5458
2MASS J18182915-1649303Young Stellar Object5500
2MASS J18183047-1650347Young Stellar Object5451
2MASS J18183073-1649150Young Stellar Object5500
2MASS J18183098-1656183Young Stellar Object5524
2MASS J18183120-1655540Young Stellar Object5481
2MASS J18183156-1655030Young Stellar Object5451
2MASS J18183277-1648114Young Stellar Object5514
2MASS J18183538-1646359Young Stellar Object5517
2MASS J18183767-1648151Young Stellar Object5522
2MASS J18183798-1650241Young Stellar Object5536
2MASS J18183815-1348157Star, Star in Cluster6997
2MASS J18183846-1650147Young Stellar Object5535
2MASS J18183862-1653367Young Stellar Object5526
2MASS J18183883-1645311Young Stellar Object5531
2MASS J18183981-1348137Star, Star in Cluster7005
2MASS J18184151-1348010Star, Star in Cluster7004
2MASS J18184194-1347063Star, Star in Cluster7005
2MASS J18184271-1658059Young Stellar Object5475
2MASS J18184293-1652139Young Stellar Object5455
2MASS J18184325-1347362Star, Star in Cluster6995
2MASS J18185001-1646421Young Stellar Object5523
2MASS J18185243-1642054Young Stellar Object5478
2MASS J18185353-1641176Young Stellar Object5492
2MASS J18185435-1641479Young Stellar Object5523
2MASS J18185445-1647106Young Stellar Object5484
2MASS J18185455-1646479Young Stellar Object5457
2MASS J18185585-1648216Young Stellar Object5459
2MASS J18185703-1638000Young Stellar Object5505
2MASS J18185995-1640487Young Stellar Object5484
2MASS J18190352-1641055Young Stellar Object5504
2MASS J18190370-1641161Young Stellar Object5473
2MASS J18190596-1638410Young Stellar Object5526
2MASS J18190611-1639086Young Stellar Object5471
2MASS J18190744-1640266Young Stellar Object5499
2MASS J18190795-1630355Young Stellar Object5494
2MASS J18190919-1639556Young Stellar Object5509
2MASS J18191009-1639080Young Stellar Object5515
2MASS J18191049-1640405Young Stellar Object5499
2MASS J18191068-1650229Young Stellar Object5456
2MASS J18191090-1637062Young Stellar Object5503
2MASS J18191223-1643168Young Stellar Object5495
2MASS J18191417-1629510Young Stellar Object5533
2MASS J18191435-1630299Young Stellar Object5470
2MASS J18191495-1649508Young Stellar Object5451
2MASS J18191508-1630149Young Stellar Object5452
2MASS J18191658-1644394Young Stellar Object5513
2MASS J18191821-1643561Young Stellar Object5466
2MASS J18192062-1632478Young Stellar Object5479
2MASS J18192192-1630004Young Stellar Object5497
2MASS J18192237-1643217Young Stellar Object5483
2MASS J18192265-1631091Young Stellar Object5511
2MASS J18192359-1632298Young Stellar Object5485
2MASS J18192650-1632223Young Stellar Object5490
2MASS J18192963-1643594Young Stellar Object5503
2MASS J18193940-1644468Young Stellar Object5494
2MASS J18193958-1642453Young Stellar Object5477
2MASS J18194156-1645013Young Stellar Object5509
2MASS J18194202-1641417Young Stellar Object5530
2MASS J18194471-1641120Young Stellar Object5472
2MASS J18194800-1644152Young Stellar Object5517
2MASS J18503461-0625056Star in Cluster, Variable Star6183
2MASS J18504102-0621530Star in Cluster6182
2MASS J18510757-0616276Star in Cluster6132
2MASS J21012637+6810385Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1517
2MASS J21012706+6810381Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1477
2MASS J21014358+6809361Star, Young Stellar Object1496
2MASS J21025943+6806322Star in Cluster, Young Stellar Object1507
2MASS J21371591+5726591Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Young Stellar ObjectK2709
2MASS J21390319+5722318Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Young Stellar ObjectM2690
2MASS J21392957+5733417Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Young Stellar ObjectK2680
2MASS J21521634+4716343Star2587
2MASS J21521964+4712384Star3076
2MASS J21522965+4712583Star2591
2MASS J21522967+4712064Star2599
2MASS J21522999+4713597Star2624
2MASS J21523125+4713375Star2617
2MASS J21523228+4712018Star2607
2MASS J21523277+4714096Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object2675
2MASS J21523717+4710007Star2614
2MASS J21523900+4714293Star2572
2MASS J21523975+4711102Star, Young Stellar Object2662
2MASS J21524491+4712236Star2635
2MASS J21524572+4716138Star2581
2MASS J21525020+4712204Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object3169
2MASS J21525352+4715181Star2548
2MASS J21525352+4717233Star2794
2MASS J21525663+4711487Star2922
2MASS J21531168+4712152Star2688
2MASS J21532135+4717178Star2845
2MASS J21532442+4716351Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object2896
2MASS J21532604+4718333Star2820
2MASS J21532641+4715431Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectK3052
2MASS J21532752+4717209Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object2742
2MASS J21532985+4718234Star, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object2769
2MASS J21533105+4714182Star3001
2MASS J21533118+4715518Star, Young Stellar Object2947
2MASS J21533190+4712541Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object2715
2MASS J21534336+4716452Star2974
2MASS J21534788+4714450Star, Young Stellar Object3026
2MASS J21541877+4712096Star, Star in Cluster, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectB3197
3 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarK176
3 PerseiStarK245
3 ScorpiiStar, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarB515
30 ArietisStarF136[x]
30 CetiStarF154
30 Comae BerenicesStarA303
30 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarA217
30 GeminorumStar, High proper-motion StarK289
30 Leonis MinorisStarF233
30 LyncisStarF105
31 AquilaeStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG50
31 ArietisStar, High proper-motion StarF113
31 CassiopeiaeStarA277
31 CepheiStar, High proper-motion StarF179
31 OrionisStar, Variable StarK508
31 PisciumStarA401
31 VulpeculaeStar, Variable StarG189
32 CassiopeiaeStar, Variable StarB388
32 LyncisStarF121
32 TauriStarF138
33 BootisStarA186
33 PegasiStar, High proper-motion StarF109
33 SextantisStar, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarG121
33 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarK147
34 LeonisStar, Rotationally variable StarF211
34 LyncisStarG181
34 PegasiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF124
34 PisciumStarB306
35 CassiopeiaeStar, Variable StarA255
35 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarF158
35 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarF104
35 EridaniStarB414
35 LeonisStar, High proper-motion StarG102
35 Leonis MinorisStarF156
35 OrionisStarB447
35 PegasiStar, High proper-motion StarG148
35 PisciumStar, Variable StarF254
36 AndromedaeStar, Variable StarK124
36 AurigaeStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB1157
36 CygniStarA203
36 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarF75
36 HerculisStarB304
36 OphiuchiStarK19
36 PerseiStar, Variable StarF118
36 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion StarF42
37 CapricorniStarF89
37 CetiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF77
37 DraconisStarK276
37 GeminorumStarG56
37 HerculisStarB294
37 LibraeStar, High proper-motion StarK94
37 PegasiStar, High proper-motion StarF170
37 Ursae MajorisStarF86
38 ArietisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA119
38 CassiopeiaeStar, High proper-motion StarF94
38 CETIStar, High proper-motion StarF140
38 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG171
38 LyncisStarA124
38 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarF107[x]
39 AquariiStar, Variable StarF137
39 ArietisStar, High proper-motion StarK171[x]
39 Comae BerenicesStarF162
39 GeminorumStar, High proper-motion StarF156
39 HerculisStarF142
39 LeonisStar, High proper-motion StarF74
39 SerpentisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG57
39 TauriStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG55
4 AquariiStar, Variable StarF198
4 CamelopardalisStar, High proper-motion StarA172
4 CepheiStar, Star in ClusterA140
4 CygniStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB707
4 EquuleiStar, High proper-motion StarF120
4 EridaniStarA156
4 SagittariiStarA416
4 SerpentisStarA151
4 SextantisStar, High proper-motion StarF146
40 BootisStarF168
40 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarG98
40 CygniStarA265
40 DraconisStarF166
40 LeonisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF70
40 Leonis MinorisStarA149
41 CapricorniStarK231
41 DraconisStarK173
41 HerculisStar, High proper-motion StarG149
41 TauriStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA420
41 VirginisStarA199
42 AquilaeStarF105
42 AurigaeStarF232
42 CamelopardalisStarB924
42 CapricorniStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG108
42 CassiopeiaeStar, Variable StarB278
42 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarK315[x]
42 LyncisStarF123
43 CamelopardalisStarB979
43 TauriStarK284
44 CassiopeiaeStarB1046
45 CapricorniStarA173
45 OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in NebulaA360
45 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarF121
47 AndromedaeStarA208
47 AquariiStar, Czerwony olbrzymK171
47 ArietisStar, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarF108
47 CassiopeiaeStarF108
47 CetiStarF122
47 OphiuchiStar, Variable StarF99
47 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion StarG46[x]
48 CassiopeiaeStar, Variable StarA114
48 CetiStarA233
48 CygniStarB854
48 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarF148
49 ArietisStar, Variable Star210
49 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarA193
49 LibraeStar, High proper-motion StarF107
49 SerpentisStarG77
5 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarF112
5 OrionisStar, Variable StarM590
5 PuppisStarF94
5 SerpentisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarF83
50 BootisStarB262
50 CassiopeiaeStarA157[x]
50 PerseiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarF69
51 AquilaeStarF90
51 ArietisStar, High proper-motion StarG68
51 EridaniStar, High proper-motion StarF96[x]
51 Leonis MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG181
51 PegasiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable Star, Star suspected of VariabilityG51[x]
51 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF176
52 CassiopeiaeStarA273
52 CygniStarG201
52 OrionisStarA538
53 AquariiStarG66
53 HerculisStar, High proper-motion StarF95
53 TauriStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB270
53 VirginisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF111
54 AurigaeStar, Variable StarB843
54 CancriStarG126
54 CassiopeiaeStar, High proper-motion StarF89
54 LeonisStarA287
54 PerseiStarG218
54 PisciumStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK36[x]
55 EridaniStar, Star in double systemA405
55 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF152
55 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarG128
56 CetiStarK353
56 CygniStar, High proper-motion StarA134
56 GeminorumStar, Variable StarM444
56 PerseiStar, Biały karzełF133
57 CygniStar, Variable StarB525
57 Ursae MajorisStarA213
57 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarK126
58 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarA192
58 AquariiStarA233
58 AquilaeStarB372
58 CetiStar, Variable StarA1023
58 EridaniStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG43
58 GeminorumStarA159
58 OphiuchiStarF57
58 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarF154
58 Ursae MajorisStarF174
59 Andromedae AStarB263
59 ArietisStarG219
59 DraconisStar, Variable StarA89
59 EridaniStarF137
59 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion StarF151
59 VirginisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarG57
6 AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarF90
6 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarF61
6 Comae BerenicesStarA198
6 DraconisStarK602
6 LyncisStar, High proper-motion StarK182[x]
6 MonocerotisStarF1388
6 PerseiStar, Star in double system, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG212
6 SagittariiStarK2631
6 TrianguliStar, Variable StarG291
60 AurigaeStar, High proper-motion StarF227[x]
60 HerculisStarA133
60 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA144
61 CygniStarK11[x]
61 PisciumStar, High proper-motion StarF186
61 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG31
61 VirginisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarG28[x]
62 AndromedaeStarA246
62 Ursae MajorisStar, Star in double system, High proper-motion StarF134
63 EridaniStar, Biały karzełG176
63 GeminorumStar, Star in double systemF111
63 SagittariiStarA297
63 TauriStar, Star in ClusterA163
64 ArietisStarK208
64 AurigaeStarA278
64 CetiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarG133
64 LeonisStarA253
64 PisciumStar, High proper-motion StarF77
65 ArietisStarA312
66 AndromedaeStarF184
66 ArietisStarK210
66 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarF129
66 DraconisStarK172
66 VirginisStarK97
67 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA148
67 Ursae MajorisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF112
68 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarF157
68 EridaniStarF83
68 OphiuchiStar, Variable StarA293
68 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA149
68 Ursae MajorisStarK887
7 AndromedaeStarF80
7 CepheiStarB805
7 CetiStar, Variable StarM447
7 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in ClusterG249
7 CygniStarA351
7 TauriStar, Variable StarA429
7 TrianguliStarA281
70 OphiuchiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK16[x]
70 PegasiStarG175
70 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF154
70 VirginisStar, High proper-motion StarG58[x]
71 CetiStar, Variable StarB894
71 DraconisStar, Variable StarB378
71 OrionisStar, High proper-motion StarF67
71 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarF160
72 HerculisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG47
72 OphiuchiStarA87
72 PisciumStarF178
72 TauriStarB378
72 VirginisStar, Variable StarF174
73 DraconisStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA395
74 DraconisStar, High proper-motion StarK208
75 CancriStar, High proper-motion StarG101
75 DraconisStarG455
75 PegasiStar, Variable StarA233
75 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarK186
76 DraconisStar, Variable StarA353
77 AquariiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK134
77 CygniStarA412
77 VirginisStarF258
78 PisciumStar, High proper-motion StarF135
78 Ursae MajorisStar, Variable StarF83
79 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarG127[x]
79 HerculisStarA250
8 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in ClusterA280
8 CygniStarB860
8 DraconisStar, Variable Star of gamma Dor type, Variable StarF95
8 LeonisStarK1161
8 LyncisStar, High proper-motion StarG170
8 PerseiStarK411
8 SerpentisStarA166
80 LeonisStar, Variable Star of gamma Dor type, Variable StarF183
80 TauriStar, Star in ClusterF149
81 CancriStar, High proper-motion StarG67
81 LeonisStarF143
82 EridaniStar, High proper-motion StarG19[x]
82 PegasiStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA183
82 Ursae MajorisStar, High proper-motion StarA174
83 CancriStar, High proper-motion StarF132
84 CetiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF74
85 PegasiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG40
86 AquariiStarG217
87 PegasiStarG285
89 LeonisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF89
89 TauriStar, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarF149
9 AurigaeStar, Variable Star of gamma Dor type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF86
9 CetiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG68
9 Comae BerenicesStar, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF177
9 CygniStarG558
9 HydraeStar, High proper-motion StarK212
9 PuppisStar, High proper-motion StarG53
9 TauriStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA426
9 Ursae MinorisStar, High proper-motion StarG112
93 CetiStarB550
93 HerculisStarK671
94 AquariiStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarG69
94 CetiStar, High proper-motion StarF74[x]
96 AquariiStar, High proper-motion StarF112
98 AquariiStarK164
A BootisStarK234
a CentauriStar, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarB457
AA OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1342
AB AurigaeStar, Star in Nebula, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Emission-line Star, Variable StarA471
AB PictorisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK150[x]
AC +24 44Star, High proper-motion StarM96
AC +26 37030Star, High proper-motion StarM80
AC +40 428-42Star, High proper-motion StarM93
AC +60 40462StarK84
AC +67 1894StarK80
AcamarStar, Star in double systemA161[x]
AD LeonisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM16[x]
AD PerseiStar, Star in Cluster, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM7655
AD95 1510Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1333
ADS 10035StarG108
ADS 10329Star, High proper-motion StarK77
ADS 16553StarG81
ADS 8444StarG105
AE FornacisStar, Star in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK103
AegirStar, Extra-solar Confirmed Planet, Extra-solar Planet187[x]
AF LeporisStar, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarF88
AF OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Variable Star of Orion Type, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1278
AG CarinaeStar, Emission-line Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable Star, Gwiazda Wolfa-RayetaW17167
AG DoradusStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK116
AG OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectG1345
AG+01 1940StarG97
AG+08 1194Star, High proper-motion StarG78
AG+11 1351StarK118
AG+21 1754StarK80
AgenaStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB392
AGKR 1017Star, High proper-motion StarF112
AGKR 199StarK109
AGKR 8374StarK110
Ah AurigaeStar, Variable StarG331
AK OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectG1342
AL OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1333
AlbaliStar, High proper-motion StarB208[x]
AlbireoStar, Star in double system, Variable StarK435[x]
AlbusStar, Biały karzeł91
AlcorStar, Variable StarA82
AlcyoneStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Be Star, Emission-line StarB403[x]
AldebaranStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK67[x]
AlderaminStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA49[x]
AlgenibStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB391
AlgolStar, Variable StarB93[x]
AlgorabStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA87[x]
AlhenaStar, Star in double systemA109[x]
AliothStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA82[x]
AlkaidStar, Variable StarB104[x]
AlkaluropsStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF121[x]
AlnairStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarB101
AlnitakStar, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO736[x]
AlniyatStar, Star in Nebula, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarO474
Alpha AntliaeStar, Variable StarK366[x]
Alpha AraeStar, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Eruptive variable Star, Variable StarB267[x]
Alpha CaeliStarF65[x]
Alpha CentauriStar, High proper-motion StarG4[x]
Alpha ChamaelontisStarF64
Alpha CirciniStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA54[x]
Alpha CygniStar, Emission-line Star, Pulsating variable Star, Nadolbrzym, Variable StarA1412[x]
Alpha DoradusStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB169[x]
Alpha FornacisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF47[x]
Alpha HorologiiStar, High proper-motion StarK115[x]
Alpha IndiStarK98[x]
Alpha LupiStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB465[x]
Alpha MuscaeStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB316[x]
Alpha OctantisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF143[x]
Alpha PictorisStar, High proper-motion StarA96[x]
Alpha ReticuliStar, High proper-motion StarG161[x]
Alpha ScutiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK199[x]
Alpha TelescopiiStarB278[x]
Alpha TucanaeStarK200[x]
Alpha VolantisStar125[x]
AlphardStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK180[x]
AlpheratzStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarB96[x]
ALS 16791StarB105
ALS 299Star, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda Wolfa-RayetaW3662
AlsciaukatStar, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarK382[x]
AlshainStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG45[x]
AltairStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA17[x]
AltaisStar, High proper-motion StarG98[x]
AludraStar, Star in Cluster, Pulsating variable Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable StarB1989[x]
AN Coronae BorealisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Variable StarK98
AN OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1309
AN SextantisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarM26
AnchaStar, High proper-motion StarG188[x]
AnkaaStar, High proper-motion StarK85[x]
AnserStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM297
AntaresStar, Star in NebulaM553[x]
AO OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Star suspected of Variability, Young Stellar Object1339
AP OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1263
AR CassiopeiaeStar, Variable StarB621
AR LacertaeStar, Emission-line Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK139
AR OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1339
ArcturusStar, High proper-motion Star, Czerwony olbrzym, Variable StarK37[x]
Arkab PosteriorStarF134[x]
Arkab PriorStarB378[x]
AS OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1256
Asellus AustralisStar, High proper-motion StarK131[x]
ASR 13Young Stellar Object1341
ASR 27Young Stellar Object1357
ASR 32Young Stellar Object1202
ASR 55Young Stellar Object1133
ASR 75Young Stellar Object1379
AsteropeStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB372[x]
AT SculptorisStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB920
AtikStar, Variable StarB751[x]
AtlasStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB382[x]
AU MicroscopiiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM33
AU OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Star suspected of Variability, Young Stellar ObjectM1255
AviorStar, Variable StarK605
AY IndiStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM53
AZ CancriStar, Star in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM51
AZ OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1279
AzhaStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK136[x]
b CapricorniStarK171
B CentauriStarK433
b HerculisStarF51
B LupiStarG260
Barnard's StarStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM6[x]
Baten KaitosStar, Variable StarK235
BC ArietisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK73
BD+00 197Star, High proper-motion StarK107
BD+00 3840Star, High proper-motion StarG108
BD+01 2684Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM52
BD+01 299Star, High proper-motion Star114
BD+01 3574StarK112
BD+01 3657Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK87
BD+01 3979Star, Emission-line Star, Variable Star3300[x]
BD+02 2116Star, High proper-motion StarK101
BD+02 305Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM35
BD+02 4718StarK84
BD+03 1552Star, High proper-motion StarK85
BD+03 2279Star, High proper-motion StarK67
BD+03 2316Star, High proper-motion StarK74
BD+03 2338Star, High proper-motion StarG115
BD+03 3531aStarM86
BD+03 3861StarB109
BD+03 515Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK79
BD+03 664StarG107
BD+04 3919StarG86
BD+04 4344Star, High proper-motion StarK114
BD+04 4988StarM82
BD+05 1146Star, High proper-motion StarK100
BD+05 1295Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarK114[x]
BD+05 2131Star, High proper-motion StarK74
BD+05 2950StarK105
BD+05 3419StarG226
BD+05 4028Star, High proper-motion StarK117
BD+05 5244Star, High proper-motion StarK83
BD+06 5034StarF110
BD+06 590StarG107
BD+07 1919StarK114
BD+07 2008Star, High proper-motion StarK81
BD+07 2869Star, High proper-motion StarG114
BD+07 4267StarG115
BD+08 1303StarB68
BD+08 3000Star, High proper-motion StarM112
BD+08 642Star, High proper-motion StarK101
BD+09 1105StarM108
BD+09 3000StarG103
BD+09 5110Star, High proper-motion StarG116
BD+09 874StarA1503
BD+09 879DStar, Star in double systemB1535
BD+09 889StarB1549
BD+09 897StarG1456
BD+10 1684Star, High proper-motion StarG106
BD+10 3250StarG115
BD+10 4385Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK112
BD+10 4534Star, High proper-motion StarM67
BD+10 5022StarK102
BD+11 1163StarF104
BD+11 2673StarG117
BD+11 2811Star, High proper-motion StarK83
BD+11 2853StarG107
BD+11 2925StarG113
BD+11 309Star, High proper-motion StarG116
BD+11 3149Star, High proper-motion StarM58
BD+11 514Star, High proper-motion StarK73
BD+11 570Star, High proper-motion StarK117
BD+12 1759Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK109
BD+12 5016StarK110
BD+12 810Star, High proper-motion StarG117
BD+13 3769Star, High proper-motion StarG119
BD+13 693Star, Star in double systemF115
BD+14 1876Star, High proper-motion StarK79
BD+14 2955StarK112
BD+14 4559Star, High proper-motion StarK158
BD+14 611StarK102
BD+14 831Star, High proper-motion StarG77
BD+15 176StarK95
BD+15 1957Star, High proper-motion StarK52
BD+15 2847Star, High proper-motion StarK100
BD+15 3090StarG118
BD+15 4416StarF109
BD+15 4829StarK119
BD+15 896Star, High proper-motion StarG118
BD+16 1001StarF115
BD+16 2216Star, High proper-motion StarK87
BD+16 2404Star, High proper-motion StarK46
BD+16 2722Star, High proper-motion StarK99
BD+16 5027Star, High proper-motion StarK103
BD+17 2554Star114
BD+17 4808Star, High proper-motion StarK88
BD+18 1160StarK108
BD+18 1461StarK106
BD+18 3497StarK82
BD+18 3606StarK96
BD+18 5029Star, High proper-motion StarM119
BD+18 694Star, Star in Cluster1770
BD+18 695Star, Star in ClusterB1819
BD+18 696Star, Star in ClusterG1770
BD+18 702Star, Star in ClusterA1831
BD+18 708Star, Star in ClusterB1749
BD+18 711Star, Star in ClusterA1839
BD+18 712Star, Star in ClusterA1798
BD+18 713Star, Star in ClusterA1738
BD+18 715Star, Star in ClusterB1774
BD+18 716Star, Star in ClusterA1720
BD+18 721Star, Star in ClusterB1742
BD+18 722Star, Star in ClusterB1821
BD+18 723Star, Star in ClusterB1785
BD+18 724Star, Star in ClusterA1790
BD+18 725Star, Star in ClusterB1723
BD+18 726Star, Star in ClusterB1756
BD+19 2443Star, Star in double system, High proper-motion StarG101
BD+19 2511Star, High proper-motion StarK86
BD+19 2929Star, High proper-motion StarK116
BD+19 3268Star, High proper-motion StarM47
BD+19 769Star, Star in ClusterA1826
BD+19 775Star, Star in ClusterB1826
BD+19 776Star, Star in ClusterB1850
BD+19 778Star, Star in ClusterF1834
BD+19 782Star, Star in ClusterK1829
BD+20 1018Star, High proper-motion StarG110[x]
BD+20 2314Star, High proper-motion StarG108
BD+20 518StarG175
BD+21 1952StarG116
BD+21 3769Star, High proper-motion StarG111
BD+21 55Star, High proper-motion StarK111
BD+21 652Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM37[x]
BD+21 717Star, High proper-motion StarK86
BD+22 1802StarM103
BD+22 2271Star, High proper-motion StarK107
BD+22 2632Star, High proper-motion StarM91
BD+22 2742StarM85
BD+22 3579Star, High proper-motion StarG104
BD+22 3878Star, Biały karzełD1100[x]
BD+22 4939StarG315
BD+23 204StarG113
BD+23 2640Star, High proper-motion StarK81
BD+23 296Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK119
BD+23 3035Star, High proper-motion StarK95
BD+23 3151StarM73
BD+23 4334Star, High proper-motion StarK119
BD+24 1451StarF97
BD+24 1529Star, High proper-motion Star104
BD+24 2462Star, Star in ClusterG293
BD+24 2539Star, High proper-motion StarG116
BD+24 3803BStar, Star in ClusterA1079
BD+24 543Star, Star in ClusterK63
BD+25 2393StarK107
BD+25 2500Star, Star in ClusterK323
BD+25 2894Star, High proper-motion StarK110
BD+25 4085StarK71
BD+26 1665Star, High proper-motion StarK71
BD+26 2184StarK69
BD+26 2362Star, Star in ClusterG264
BD+26 2723Star, High proper-motion StarK109
BD+26 8Star, High proper-motion StarK86
BD+27 1356Star, High proper-motion StarG109
BD+27 1739Star, High proper-motion StarK63
BD+27 4663Star, High proper-motion StarK156
BD+27 881Star, High proper-motion StarK118
BD+28 2272Star, High proper-motion StarK95
BD+28 3698StarK113
BD+28 3900StarK69
BD+28 413StarK114
BD+28 4660StarK73
BD+28 737Star, High proper-motion StarM117
BD+29 1754Star, High proper-motion StarK106
BD+29 2228Star, High proper-motion StarK95
BD+29 2405Star, High proper-motion StarM62
BD+29 3029Star, High proper-motion StarK78
BD+30 1423Star, High proper-motion StarK73
BD+30 4803StarA111
BD+30 623Star, Variable Star860[x]
BD+31 2290Star, High proper-motion StarK85
BD+31 2373Star, High proper-motion StarK97
BD+31 2500Star, High proper-motion StarM105
BD+31 434Star, High proper-motion StarM101
BD+31 630StarK107
BD+32 4747StarF94
BD+33 1025Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO824
BD+33 1931StarM108
BD+33 2071StarK119
BD+33 2458StarG110
BD+33 256StarF80
BD+33 2990Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarK82
BD+33 3582Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK69
BD+33 4395StarK101
BD+33 801Star, High proper-motion StarK115
BD+34 1099Star, Star in ClusterB4285
BD+34 1109Star, Star in ClusterB4294
BD+34 1378Star, High proper-motion StarM96
BD+34 1740Star, High proper-motion StarK96
BD+34 724Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarK82
BD+35 1584Star, High proper-motion StarG117
BD+35 3145Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM69
BD+35 3956Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB5173
BD+35 4893StarK103
BD+35 647StarG117
BD+36 358Star, Star in ClusterK1535
BD+37 2416Star106
BD+37 2625Star, High proper-motion StarF119
BD+37 441Star, Star in ClusterG1529
BD+37 968StarK98
BD+38 2037StarK102
BD+38 2457Star, High proper-motion StarK118
BD+38 3327Star, High proper-motion StarF100
BD+39 3048Star, High proper-motion StarM76
BD+39 876Star, High proper-motion StarK110
BD+40 1697StarK84
BD+40 2208Star, High proper-motion StarK74
BD+40 2903Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK73
BD+40 2905AStarK72
BD+41 1865StarF48
BD+41 2026Star, High proper-motion StarK109
BD+41 283StarF114
BD+41 3013StarF110
BD+42 3917StarA77
BD+43 2388Star, High proper-motion StarK116
BD+43 2989Star, High proper-motion StarG119
BD+43 3058Star, High proper-motion StarG88
BD+43 866StarK111
BD+44 1040StarK97
BD+44 1353Star, High proper-motion StarF108
BD+44 1710StarM84
BD+44 2250Star, High proper-motion StarK101
BD+44 4389Star, High proper-motion StarK67
BD+45 2765Star, High proper-motion StarK118
BD+46 2014Star, High proper-motion StarK110
BD+46 2361StarM70
BD+46 2489StarF64
BD+46 4241StarF384
BD+47 1236StarF93
BD+47 1285StarF105
BD+47 2112Star, High proper-motion StarM36
BD+47 2267StarK118
BD+47 2391StarK102
BD+47 2936Star, Extra-solar Planet, High proper-motion StarK122
BD+47 977StarK102
BD+48 1845BStar95
BD+48 738Star150
BD+49 1280Star, High proper-motion StarM53
BD+49 1658StarK88
BD+49 1815Star, High proper-motion StarG116
BD+49 3937Star, High proper-motion StarK97
BD+50 1864Star, High proper-motion StarK109
BD+50 2869Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO2000[x]
BD+52 1343StarF115
BD+52 3410Star, High proper-motion StarF67
BD+53 912StarF118
BD+55 1142StarK86
BD+55 1519Star, High proper-motion StarM51
BD+55 3074Star, High proper-motion StarK181
BD+55 570Star, High proper-motion StarK79
BD+56 1773Star, High proper-motion StarK116
BD+56 548Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7609
BD+56 556Star, Star in ClusterO7672
BD+56 559Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Eruptive variable Star, Variable StarB7670
BD+56 561Star, Star in ClusterB7654
BD+56 563Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7635
BD+56 565Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7600
BD+56 566Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7614
BD+56 577Star, Star in ClusterB7622
BD+56 581Star, Star in ClusterB7620
BD+56 582Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB7625
BD+56 586Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB7695
BD+56 592Star, Star in Cluster7670
BD+56 598Star, Star in ClusterB7671
BD+56 602Star, Star in ClusterB7607
BD+56 603Star, Star in Cluster7682
BD+56 604Star, Star in ClusterB7678
BD+57 1692Star, High proper-motion StarK102
BD+57 2595Star, High proper-motion StarF115
BD+58 1208StarK102
BD+59 1851StarF111
BD+60 456Star, Star in ClusterB609
BD+60 585Star, High proper-motion StarK118
BD+62 655Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB2691
BD+62 722Star, High proper-motion StarG106
BD+63 1335Star, High proper-motion StarK120
BD+63 1764Star, High proper-motion StarF118
BD+63 639Star, High proper-motion Star82
BD+64 1452Star, High proper-motion StarM104
BD+64 314StarF232
BD+65 1846Star, High proper-motion StarK66
BD+65 1984StarK195
BD+65 210Star, High proper-motion StarK74
BD+65 626StarG119
BD+66 193StarF77
BD+66 696Star, High proper-motion StarG119
BD+67 1409StarA95
BD+69 238Star, High proper-motion StarK61
BD+69 45Star, High proper-motion StarK71
BD+69 530StarG109
BD+70 578Star, High proper-motion StarK111
BD+71 1033Star, High proper-motion StarG114
BD+71 789StarF110
BD+72 545StarK88
BD+73 447Star, High proper-motion StarK115
BD+74 526Star, High proper-motion StarG78
BD+74 938Star, High proper-motion StarK120
BD+75 58StarK55
BD+77 84StarG117
BD+80 389StarG115
BD+81 297Star, High proper-motion StarK75
BD+87 118Star, High proper-motion StarK81
BD-00 3426StarK98
BD-00 4461Star, High proper-motion StarK114
BD-00 632Star, High proper-motion Star, Gwiazda typu T TauriF61
BD-01 1707StarG116
BD-01 2075StarG162
BD-01 2518StarK136
BD-01 2784StarK67[x]
BD-01 3474Star, Variable StarK64
BD-01 3500Star, High proper-motion StarK61
BD-02 4304StarG107
BD-02 5286StarF104
BD-03 1821StarK113
BD-03 3952Star, High proper-motion StarK75
BD-04 1170Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Variable StarG1250
BD-04 2421StarK111
BD-04 4138StarK105
BD-04 782StarK68
BD-04 797StarM92
BD-05 1299Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectF1331
BD-05 2489StarG116
BD-05 2603Star, High proper-motion StarK98
BD-05 2778Star, High proper-motion StarK76
BD-05 4394Star, High proper-motion StarM61
BD-05 4401StarK103
BD-05 5480Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowaM88
BD-05 948StarG119
BD-06 2528StarK110
BD-06 4663Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM72
BD-06 4933Star, Star in ClusterK6105
BD-07 4419StarK32
BD-07 5223Star, High proper-motion StarM66
BD-08 1703Star, Star in ClusterB3008
BD-08 2963StarG120
BD-08 535StarK100
BD-09 241Star, High proper-motion StarK113
BD-09 2535Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK109
BD-09 3222StarK117
BD-09 4592StarK108
BD-09 956Star, High proper-motion StarM65
BD-10 1848Star, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB3800
BD-10 4011Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK63
BD-10 5142StarF104
BD-10 5238Star, High proper-motion StarF73
BD-11 192StarM67
BD-11 4280StarK115
BD-11 4932StarF97
BD-11 5484StarK105
BD-12 1172Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO1100[x]
BD-12 4699Star, High proper-motion StarK89
BD-12 5409StarG120
BD-12 6174Star, High proper-motion StarM73
BD-13 2119Star, Star in ClusterB1613
BD-13 2439Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM70
BD-13 3761StarF111
BD-13 6060StarG109
BD-14 249Star, High proper-motion StarM76
BD-14 3326Star, High proper-motion StarG117
BD-14 5652Star, Variable StarK103
BD-15 1822StarK81
BD-15 2506Star, High proper-motion StarK116
BD-15 4230StarK113
BD-15 447StarK91
BD-16 2761Star, High proper-motion StarK110
BD-17 1955StarF118
BD-17 1959Star, High proper-motion StarM80
BD-17 3140Star, Variable Star1400[x]
BD-17 3725StarA68
BD-17 4442StarG106
BD-17 4494StarF103
BD-17 4511StarG106
BD-17 4631Star, High proper-motion StarG119
BD-17 5832StarG109
BD-17 588Star, High proper-motion StarM31
BD-17 6081StarG118
BD-17 6172Star, High proper-motion StarK69
BD-18 3106Star, High proper-motion StarK61
BD-18 394StarK76
BD-18 4705Star, Star in Cluster2010
BD-18 4710Star, Star in Cluster2021
BD-19 3629AStarF92
BD-19 402StarK105
BD-20 2665StarK119
BD-21 1074Star39
BD-21 3153StarK107
BD-21 3154Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK112
BD-21 4791StarK103
BD-22 1050StarM112
BD-22 286Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK95
BD-22 3573StarF119
BD-22 5522StarK110
BD-22 6219Star, High proper-motion StarM79
BDS 8108StarG107
BE SculptorisStar, Variable StarF1077
BeidStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarF122[x]
BellatrixStar, Variable StarB253[x]
Beta CaeliStar, High proper-motion StarF93
Beta ChamaelontisStar, Variable StarB299
Beta CirciniStar, High proper-motion StarA100[x]
Beta Comae BerenicesStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF30[x]
Beta FornacisStar, High proper-motion Star, Czerwony olbrzymG173
Beta GruisStar, Variable StarM177[x]
Beta HorologiiStarA294
Beta HydriStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG25[x]
Beta LupiStar, Variable StarB382[x]
Beta MuscaeStarB342[x]
Beta OctantisStarA149
Beta PavonisStarA135[x]
Beta PictorisStarA64[x]
Beta ReticuliStar, High proper-motion StarK100
Beta SculptorisStarB175
Beta Trianguli AustralisStar, High proper-motion StarF41[x]
Beta VolantisStar, Variable StarK108[x]
BetelgeuseStar, Czerwony nadolbrzym, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM498[x]
BihamStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA93
Blue Flash NebulaStar, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Biały karzeł, Pulsating White Dwarf3006[x]
BO MicroscopiiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK145
BoteinStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK169[x]
BPM 14175Star, High proper-motion StarM69
BPM 16002Star, High proper-motion StarM69
BPM 16204Star, High proper-motion Star181
BPM 17113Star, Biały karzełF36
BPM 26427Star104
BPM 26940Star, High proper-motion StarM106
BPM 28514Star, High proper-motion StarK133
BPM 40823StarK115
BPM 45047Star, High proper-motion StarK75
BPM 46789Star, High proper-motion StarK74
BPM 590Star, High proper-motion StarG106[x]
BPM 62891StarK104
BPM 72121StarM105
BPM 72493StarM104
BPM 78873Star, High proper-motion StarM63
BPM 8422StarK104
BPM 87242Star, High proper-motion StarK111
BPM 890Star, Biały karzełD80
BPM 89444Star, High proper-motion StarM91
BR PisciumStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM19
BrachiumStar, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM288
BS CrucisStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB6481
BT CrucisStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB6495
Bug NebulaStar3381[x]
BundaStar, High proper-motion StarK73
BV PhoenicisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM117
BW VulpeculaeStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB1045
BX PegasiStar, Variable StarG532
BY DraconisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK53
BZ CetiStar, Star in Cluster, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK80
C CarinaeStarB253
c HerculisStar177
C HydraeStar, High proper-motion StarA122
c LupiStarA201
C PuppisStarA348
CapellaStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG43[x]
CaphStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF55[x]
CastorStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA51[x]
Cat's Paw NebulaStar5497[x]
CC EriStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK38
Cc PhoenicisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK117
CCDM J17249-5011ABStarA2999
CCDM J18042-2415ABStar, Star in ClusterB4319
CD CetiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM28
CD-22 12617StarK107
CD-22 9062StarK116
CD-23 13397Star, Variable Star, Pulsating White Dwarf4900[x]
CD-24 10236Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarK96
CD-24 10619Star, High proper-motion StarK102
CD-24 13783DStar, Star in Cluster4263
CD-24 13785Star, Star in ClusterO4395
CD-24 13810Star, Star in ClusterB4345
CD-24 13823DStar, Star in ClusterB4392
CD-24 13829Star, Star in ClusterB4282
CD-24 13831Star, Star in Cluster4233
CD-24 13837Star, Star in ClusterB4432
CD-24 13844Star, Star in ClusterB4440
CD-24 13858Star, Star in ClusterB4215
CD-24 13862Star, Star in ClusterB4330
CD-24 5005Star, High proper-motion StarM87
CD-25 1159Star, High proper-motion StarM94
CD-25 480StarK74
CD-25 636Star, High proper-motion StarK109
CD-26 11273StarG119
CD-26 14379Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarK115
CD-26 369Star, Pre-main sequence StarK115
CD-26 5126Star, Star in ClusterB15033
CD-27 10200StarF112
CD-27 12315Star, Star in ClusterG5140
CD-27 2736Star, Pre-main sequence StarK105
CD-27 5409StarF108
CD-28 12950StarK112
CD-28 18350StarG115
CD-28 18361Star, High proper-motion StarF111
CD-28 18431StarK796
CD-29 18093StarK108
CD-29 9311StarK101
CD-30 11949StarF115
CD-30 9687StarF108
CD-31 1974Star, High proper-motion StarM98
CD-31 2366Star, High proper-motion StarK119
CD-31 7Star, Star in Cluster874
CD-32 11850StarK87
CD-32 17778StarF318
CD-33 12935Star3100
CD-33 1835StarK114
CD-33 8748Star, High proper-motion StarM64
CD-34 13042StarG111
CD-34 9020Star, Pre-main sequence StarG110
CD-35 12482StarK104
CD-35 12664StarK117
CD-35 14353StarK120
CD-35 2722Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarM70
CD-35 6972StarK90
CD-35 9019Star, High proper-motion StarG96
CD-36 11341Star3399[x]
CD-36 12714StarF95
CD-36 1535StarK118
CD-36 1916StarK100
CD-36 491Star, High proper-motion StarM53
CD-36 874StarK110
CD-37 15492Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM14[x]
CD-37 1883StarK103
CD-37 641StarG117
CD-39 14212Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarG115
CD-39 3269StarK119
CD-39 4830Star, Pre-main sequence StarG115
CD-39 6137StarA2100[x]
CD-40 135Star, High proper-motion StarG94
CD-40 395StarF125
CD-41 11030Star, Star in ClusterB4116
CD-41 11031Star, Star in ClusterB4112
CD-41 11032Star, Star in ClusterB4104
CD-41 11034Star, Star in ClusterB4186
CD-41 11037Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO4049
CD-41 359StarG171
CD-41 47StarK113
CD-41 568StarK106
CD-42 13922Star, Pre-main sequence StarK110
CD-42 7240StarM100
CD-43 11917StarF81
CD-43 7524StarF141
CD-43 9005Star3000[x]
CD-43 9401StarK110
CD-44 10336StarK117
CD-44 15420StarG265
CD-44 1695Star, Pre-main sequence StarK96
CD-44 224StarK161
CD-45 11273StarG111
CD-45 7854StarK107
CD-45 973StarF110
CD-46 12902Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarM53
CD-46 14401StarK73
CD-47 399Star, High proper-motion StarM72
CD-47 7273StarF116
CD-47 8991StarG116
CD-47 990StarF125
CD-48 11060Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4411
CD-48 11061Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4492
CD-48 11063Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4429
CD-48 11069Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4367
CD-48 11086Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4488
CD-48 3774Star, Pre-main sequence StarG109
CD-48 6090StarG107
CD-49 11383Star, Star in Cluster3022
CD-49 11385StarF2980
CD-49 11399Star, Star in Cluster3051
CD-49 11401Star, Star in ClusterG3017
CD-49 11402Star, Star in ClusterK3084
CD-49 11404Star, Star in ClusterK3013
CD-49 11405Star, Star in Cluster3078
CD-49 11410Star, Star in ClusterG2943
CD-49 11413Star, Star in ClusterG2934
CD-49 11421Star, Star in ClusterK2940
CD-49 11428StarA2964
CD-49 11439Star3023
CD-49 13082StarK109
CD-49 1643StarG107
CD-49 3617Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK142
CD-50 11252StarA2956
CD-50 11281Star3059
CD-50 2947StarF101
CD-51 102Star136
CD-51 1447StarG119
CD-51 2650StarF98
CD-51 4783StarK110
CD-51 881StarK119
CD-51 9202StarM113
CD-52 187StarM95
CD-52 557Star, High proper-motion Star149
CD-52 9231StarK99
CD-52 9466Star, High proper-motion StarK78
CD-52 9732StarK96
CD-53 136Star, High proper-motion StarF147
CD-53 570Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM42
CD-53 8949StarG108
CD-53 9442StarK154
CD-54 471Star, High proper-motion StarK94
CD-54 4840StarK120
CD-54 9671Star, High proper-motion StarK110
CD-55 1514Star, High proper-motion StarM44
CD-55 35StarF148
CD-55 8747StarG113
CD-56 1032Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowaM36
CD-56 6153StarF111
CD-57 1054Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarM87
CD-57 320Star, High proper-motion StarF155
CD-57 3348Star, Star in ClusterB7636
CD-58 16StarK123
CD-58 3526Star, Star in ClusterO8903
CD-58 4207StarG129[x]
CD-58 538Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowaM55
CD-59 1681Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarG107
CD-59 1706Star, Pre-main sequence StarK97
CD-59 1724Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG108
CD-59 4616Star, High proper-motion StarK99
CD-59 7256Star, High proper-motion StarG136
CD-59 7632StarK107
CD-60 278Star183
CD-60 31Star, High proper-motion StarK151
CD-60 3431Star, Star in ClusterB5309
CD-60 7742StarK118
CD-61 1439Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK73
CD-61 5940Star, High proper-motion StarK110
CD-61 6651StarK76
CD-61 6801Star, High proper-motion StarM109
CD-62 136StarF160
CD-62 1454StarK129
CD-62 234Star, High proper-motion StarK87
CD-62 549CStar, Star in Cluster5878
CD-63 1560StarK114
CD-63 201StarK147
CD-63 359StarG116[x]
CD-64 139StarG173
CD-65 76StarG159
CD-66 2585StarG126
CD-67 2611StarF150
CD-68 2054StarG117
CD-68 29StarK159
CD-69 130StarK168
CD-69 5StarG147
CD-69 55StarF182
CD-70 1702Star, Pre-main sequence StarG119
CD-70 19Star, High proper-motion Star197
CD-70 1956StarK97
CD-70 1960StarG141
CD-71 123StarG175
CD-71 1795StarF161
CD-71 230StarG121
CD-72 1783StarG137
CD-72 190Star167
CD-73 12StarG142
CD-73 253StarF125
CD-73 496Star, Star in double systemG114
CD-74 1370Star, High proper-motion StarK119
CD-74 144Star, High proper-motion StarG173
CD-74 632StarF112
CD-75 4Star, Star in double system, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG145
CD-75 661StarK88
CD-76 1091Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG107
CD-76 632Star, High proper-motion StarK117
CD-77 1073Star, High proper-motion StarK120
CD-77 45Star, Pre-main sequence StarG152
CD-79 950StarG138
CD-82 331StarK105
CD-86 4StarG123
CD-86 84StarG121
CD-87 103StarG108
CE BootisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM33
CE OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1347
CebalraiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK82[x]
CelaenoStar, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB377[x]
CF 14857Star, High proper-motion StarK87
CF 16001StarK91
CF 17413Star, Pre-main sequence StarK96
CF 464StarM129
CG AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB613
CH AquilaeStar, Variable Star of RR Lyr type, Variable Star118
CharaStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG28
ChertanStar, Variable StarA165[x]
Chi CancriStar, High proper-motion StarF60
Chi CarinaeStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB455[x]
Chi CygniStar, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Mira Cet type, S Star, Variable StarS589
Chi EridaniStar, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarG58
Chi HerculisStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarG52
Chi OctantisStarK257
Chi PerseiStar, Star in Cluster7688[x]
Chi PhoenicisStarK376
CK ArietisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarM98
CL PhoenicisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK148
Cl Pismis 24 1Star, Star in double system, Star in ClusterO8150
Cl Trumpler 14 29Star, Star in ClusterB8905
Cl Trumpler 16 242Star, Star in Cluster, Young Stellar ObjectB8271
CM DraconisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM48
CN BootisStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA70
CO CamelopardalisStar, Variable Star109
Cocoon NebulaStar in Cluster3182[x]
Cor CaroliStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Peculiar star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA115[x]
CPC 19 205StarK136
CPC 20 6743StarK82
CPC 22 212StarK100
CPD-24 6164Star, Star in ClusterB4476
CPD-25 3011Star, Star in ClusterB15038
CPD-28 332StarF28
CPD-41 7712Star, Star in ClusterB4063
CPD-41 7727Star, Star in ClusterB4162
CPD-41 7755Star, Star in ClusterB4091
CPD-49 9973Star, Star in ClusterG3011
CPD-51 3323StarK78
CPD-52 12154Star, High proper-motion StarK103
CPD-53 6265Star, Star in Cluster3079
CPD-57 3485Star, Star in ClusterB7603
CPD-57 3501Star, Star in Cluster7603
CPD-57 3505Star, Star in ClusterB7562
CPD-57 3514Star, Star in ClusterB7563
CPD-57 3518Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Variable StarB7502
CPD-57 3519Star, Star in ClusterB7572
CPD-57 3520Star, Star in ClusterB7728
CPD-57 3521Star, Star in ClusterB7576
CPD-57 3522Star, Star in ClusterB7520
CPD-57 3523Star, Star in ClusterB7624
CPD-57 3524AStar, Star in double system, Star in Cluster, Be StarB7625
CPD-57 3526BStar, Star in ClusterB7563
CPD-57 3528Star, Star in ClusterB7656
CPD-57 3531Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Variable StarB7603
CPD-57 3532Star, Star in ClusterB7617
CPD-58 2625Star, Star in ClusterO8900
CPD-59 2591Star, Star in ClusterO8227
CPD-59 2626Star, Star in ClusterO8248
CPD-59 2632Star, Star in ClusterB8194
CPD-59 314StarK85
CPD-59 4520Star, Star in Cluster6463
CPD-59 4534Star, Star in Cluster6404
CPD-59 4535Star, Star in ClusterB6470
CPD-59 4537Star, Star in ClusterB6487
CPD-59 4541Star, Star in ClusterB6490
CPD-59 4552Star, Star in ClusterB6447
CPD-59 4563Star, Star in Cluster6490
CPD-60 2676Star, Star in ClusterB5307
CPD-60 2680Star, Star in ClusterB5397
CPD-60 604Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarG77
CPD-62 2153Star, Star in ClusterB5997
CPD-62 2198Star, Star in ClusterO5895
CPD-64 4178StarK93
CPD-65 2513Star8400[x]
CPD-67 2198StarM92
CPD-70 2439StarK79
CPD-76 769Star, High proper-motion StarK59
CQ TucaniStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM54
CR DracoStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM68
CR DraconisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM67
Crab NebulaPulsar7004[x]
Csi+19-20201Star, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Biały karzeł, Pulsating White Dwarf3000[x]
Csi+46-20087Star, Emission-line Star2500
CSI-21-22270Star, Biały karzełD700[x]
CT Comae BerenicesStar in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Variable StarM275
CT PyxidisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Variable StarK116
CT TucanaeStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Variable StarM149
CU CancriStar, Star in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM29
CW Ursae MajorisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM40
CX ComStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM77
CX CrucisStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB6459
CXOONC J053517.5-052145Star, Star in Cluster1252
CXOU J061705.3+222127Star5000
CZ CrucisStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB6403
D CentauriStarK572[x]
d LupiStar, Be Star, Variable StarB428
d ScorpiiStar, High proper-motion StarA135
DE BootisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK38
Delta AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK105[x]
Delta AurigaeStar, High proper-motion StarK141
Delta CentauriStar, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB415[x]
Delta CepheiStar, Classical Cepheid (delta Cep type), Variable StarF884[x]
Delta CrucisStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB345[x]
Delta DoradusStarA150
Delta EquuleiStar, High proper-motion StarF60
Delta FornacisStarB847
Delta HorologiiStar, High proper-motion StarF178
Delta HydriStarA139
Delta IndiStarF188
Delta LeporisStar, High proper-motion StarK113
Delta MuscaeStar, High proper-motion StarK90
Delta NormaeStar123
Delta OctantisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK299
Delta PavonisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG20[x]
Delta PhoenicisStar, High proper-motion StarG142
Delta SculptorisStarA138
Delta ScutiStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarF202[x]
Delta TrianguliStar, High proper-motion StarG35
Delta TucanaeStar, Variable StarB251
Deneb AlgediStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star39[x]
DenebolaStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA36[x]
DH leonisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK103
DiademStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF58[x]
DiphdaStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK96[x]
DK LeonisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM75
DK Ursae MajorisStar, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG104
DM99 10Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star1588
DM99 147Pre-main sequence Star1557
DM99 149Pre-main sequence Star1547
DM99 211Pre-main sequence Star1583
DM99 40Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star1490
DM99 49Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star1449
DM99 50Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star1560
DM99 58Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star1513
DM99 65Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarK1416
DM99 78Pre-main sequence Star, Variable of RS CVn type1461
DN DraconisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, Biały karzeł, Pulsating White DwarfD35
DP CamelopardalisStar, Star in double system, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK94
DP DraconisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM33
DQ TucanaeStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star91
DR CrucisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK99
DS LeonisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star38
DT VirginisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarM36[x]
DubheStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG123[x]
Dumbbell NebulaStar, Biały karzeł1082[x]
DW CamelopardalisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK112
DX LeonisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG58
E CarinaeStar, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB968
e CentauriStarK294
e GeminorumStar, Variable StarA91
e LupiStarB504
E PuppisStarA412
Eagle NebulaStar in Cluster6986[x]
EE LeonisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM22
EGGR 431Star, Variable Star, Biały karzeł56
EGM 100Star, High proper-motion StarK95
EGM 559StarK78
EGM 762Star, High proper-motion StarK80
EGM 823Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable StarK77
EGM 95Star, High proper-motion StarM58
EH CepheiStar, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Variable StarG1522
EI CancriStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM17
EK DraconisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG111
ElectraStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB405[x]
EM* LkHA 56Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star2204
EN PisciumStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK92
EnifStar, Long-period variable star, Peculiar star, Variable StarK690[x]
EO AurigaeStar, Variable StarB1539
EP EridaniStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK34
Epsilon AndromedaeStar, High proper-motion StarG164
Epsilon ArietisStarA333
Epsilon CentauriStar, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Variable StarB427[x]
Epsilon CetiStar, High proper-motion StarF88
Epsilon CirciniStarK408
Epsilon CrucisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK230[x]
Epsilon CygniStar, High proper-motion StarK72[x]
Epsilon EridaniStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarK11[x]
Epsilon FornacisStar, High proper-motion StarK105
Epsilon GruisStarA129[x]
Epsilon HydriStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarB152
Epsilon IndiStar, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarK12[x]
Epsilon LupiStar, Variable Star of beta Cep typeB504[x]
Epsilon MicroscopiiStarA183
Epsilon MonocerotisStarA123
Epsilon MuscaeStar, High proper-motion Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM302
Epsilon OrionisStar, Emission-line Star, Pulsating variable Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable StarB1976[x]
Epsilon PavonisStar, Variable StarA105
Epsilon PhoenicisStar, High proper-motion StarK145
Epsilon ReticuliStar, High proper-motion StarK59[x]
Epsilon ScorpiiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK64[x]
Epsilon SculptorisStarF91
Epsilon ScutiStarG538
Epsilon SerpentisStar70
Epsilon Trianguli AustralisStarK202
EQ PegasiStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM20
EQ TauriStar, Variable StarG468
ER 8Star, Biały karzełD48
ER VulpeculaeStar, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG170
Eskimo NebulaStar, Emission-line Star, Variable Star765[x]
ET AquariiStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA319
ET LeonisStar, Variable StarG234
Eta AndromedaeStarG229[x]
Eta AntliaeStarF109
Eta AquariiStarB168
Eta ArietisStar, High proper-motion StarF94
Eta CarinaStar, Star in double system, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable Star8988
Eta CarinaeStar, Star in double system, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable StarO7700[x]
Eta CassiopeiaeStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarF20[x]
Eta CepheiStar, High proper-motion StarK46[x]
Eta CrucisStarF65
Eta DraconisStar, Variable StarG92[x]
Eta HerculisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG109[x]
Eta HorologiiStarA149
Eta IndiStarA79
Eta LeporisStarF48
Eta LupiStarB442[x]
Eta NormaeStarG219
Eta PhoenicisStarA246
Eta PyxidisStarA232
Eta SagittariiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM146[x]
Eta ScorpiiStar, High proper-motion StarF74[x]
Eta SculptorisStar, Long-period variable star, Variable StarM452
Eta ScutiStarK202
Eta SerpentisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK61[x]
Eta TelescopiiStarA157
Eta TucanaeStarA155
Ev LacertaeStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM17
EZ AquariiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM11[x]
EZ OrionisStar, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectG1281
EZ PisciumStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM53
F CentauriStar, Variable StarM494
F VelorumStar, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA199
FAUST 2688Star, High proper-motion StarF82
FAUST 3566StarF111
FAUST 3725Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD126
FAUST 68StarF124
Feige 22Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD87
FF AndromedaeStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM70
FHM2008 S3-ap126Star in Cluster1292
Fine Ring NebulaStar999
FK AquariiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM28
FK5 2550StarA80
FN BootisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK99
FN VirginisStar, Star in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM27
FomalhautStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarA25[x]
Fp CancriStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK68
FR CancriStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Variable StarK112
FS 34Star, High proper-motion Star, Biały karzełD68
FT CepheiStar, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Long-period variable star, Variable Star1482
FT CetiStar, Star in Cluster, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK78
FT EridaniStar, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM98
FT PisciumStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM39
FU CepheiStar, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Variable Star1495
Furuhjelm I-645Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM104
FURUHJELM II-431Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK80
Furuhjelm II-432Star, High proper-motion StarM85
Furuhjelm III-674Star, High proper-motion StarG97
FW CepheiStar, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of Orion Type, Variable Star1505
FZ AndromedaeStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, Star suspected of VariabilityM81
FZ PerseiStar, Star in Cluster, Pulsating variable Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM7675
G 100-4Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM68
G 107-48Star, High proper-motion StarM50
G 107-65Star, High proper-motion StarM54
G 108-26Star, High proper-motion Star, Biały karzełD60
G 109-55Star, High proper-motion StarM40
G 113-20Star, High proper-motion StarM30
G 116-72Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM73
G 118-43Star, High proper-motion StarM59
G 121-8Star, High proper-motion Star61
G 122-20Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM79
G 122-60Star, High proper-motion StarM77
G 123-16Star, High proper-motion StarK82
G 123-49Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM71
G 123-7Star, High proper-motion StarG80
G 123-8Star, High proper-motion StarM71
G 125-3Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD38
G 125-30Star, High proper-motion StarM37
G 126-31Star, High proper-motion StarM58
G 126-34Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM69
G 130-9Star, High proper-motion StarK63
G 138-40Star, High proper-motion StarM54
G 139-21Star, High proper-motion StarM42[x]
G 139-3Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM42
G 139-50Star, High proper-motion StarM68
G 14-6Star, High proper-motion StarM34
G 140-9Star, High proper-motion StarM66
G 141-21Star, High proper-motion StarM37
G 141-52Star, High proper-motion StarM48
G 144-39Star, High proper-motion StarM65
G 146-5Star, High proper-motion StarM69
G 148-13Star, Low-mass star (M<1solMass), High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM28
G 148-61Star, High proper-motion Star83
G 158-59Star, High proper-motion StarM69
G 165-13Star, High proper-motion StarK73
G 166-21Star, High proper-motion StarM75
G 167-35Star, High proper-motion StarK86
G 172-13Star, High proper-motion StarM56
G 172-15Star, High proper-motion StarM67
G 173-39Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM47
G 173-53Star, High proper-motion StarM39
G 175-42Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM33
G 176-29Star, High proper-motion StarM83
G 179-7Star, High proper-motion StarM75
G 180-18Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM54
G 180-47Star, High proper-motion StarF93
G 181-6Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK32
G 188-9Star, High proper-motion StarM44
G 190-28Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM49
G 202-48Star, High proper-motion StarM21
G 203-47Star, High proper-motion StarM24
G 203-51Star, High proper-motion StarM21
G 205-35Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM51
G 205-38Star, High proper-motion StarM56
G 205-47Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM70
G 207-22Star, High proper-motion StarM56
G 214-14Star, High proper-motion StarM74
G 218-20Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM49
G 218-5Star, High proper-motion StarK78
G 224-46Star, High proper-motion StarG82
G 230-27Star, High proper-motion StarM59
G 232-62Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM69
G 232-70Star, High proper-motion StarM49
G 236-75Star, High proper-motion StarG101
G 239-25Star, High proper-motion StarM35
G 240-11Star, High proper-motion StarG100
G 241-62Star, High proper-motion StarM60
G 246-26Star, High proper-motion StarM67
G 250-34Star, High proper-motion StarM59
G 250-49Star, High proper-motion StarM60
G 262-26Star, High proper-motion StarM69
G 266-46Star, High proper-motion StarF164
G 267-2Star, High proper-motion StarG164
G 267-24Star, High proper-motion StarG167
G 268-47Star, High proper-motion StarM60
G 274-72Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM64
G 275-50Star, High proper-motion StarF158
G 29-18Star, High proper-motion StarM52
G 30-26Star, High proper-motion StarM60
G 35-15Star, High proper-motion StarM58
G 41-14Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM14
G 41-9Star, High proper-motion StarM56
G 5-32Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM59
G 59-7Star, High proper-motion StarM80
G 61-48Star, High proper-motion StarM75
G 63-47Star, High proper-motion StarM76
G 63-50Star, High proper-motion StarM63
G 65-9Star, High proper-motion StarM48
G 69-11Star, High proper-motion StarM61
G 83-13Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarM41
G 85-12Star, High proper-motion StarK42
G 85-36Star, High proper-motion StarM52
G 85-52Star, High proper-motion StarM40
G 87-16Star, High proper-motion StarK60
G 89-32Star, Brown Dwarf (M<0.08solMass), Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM20
G 95-22Star, High proper-motion StarM49
G 97-18Star, High proper-motion StarM56
G 97-20Star, High proper-motion StarM40
G 97-54Star, High proper-motion StarM40
G 98-44Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM80
G 99-49Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM18
G CentauriStarB448
g EridaniStarG210
G HydraeStar, High proper-motion StarK157
G LupiStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF57
G ScorpiiStar, Variable StarK126[x]
G146-60Star, High proper-motion StarG87
GacruxStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM89[x]
Gamma CentauriStar, High proper-motion StarA131[x]
Gamma CraterisStarA82
Gamma DoradusStar, Variable Star of gamma Dor type, Variable StarF67
Gamma HorologiiStarG182
Gamma HydriStar, Variable StarM215[x]
Gamma IndiStar, Variable StarF218
Gamma LeporisStar, High proper-motion StarF29
Gamma LupiStar, Variable StarB421[x]
Gamma MensaeStar, High proper-motion StarK102
Gamma MuscaeStar, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB325
Gamma PavonisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF30[x]
Gamma PhoenicisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM233[x]
Gamma PictorisStarK176
Gamma SculptorisStarK182
Gamma ScutiStarA320
Gamma TucanaeStarF75
GAT 1205StarF59
GAT 1373Star, High proper-motion Star, Biały karzełD82
GAT 2StarK71
GCRV 13292StarK108
GCRV 1526Star, High proper-motion StarK114
GCRV 1568Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG110
GCRV 2310Star, High proper-motion StarK116
GCRV 2311Star, High proper-motion Star, Gwiazda typu T TauriG105
GCRV 2743Star, High proper-motion StarG119
GCRV 2971Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarG119
GCRV 3034StarG119
GCRV 3204StarG118
GCRV 375Star, High proper-motion StarF109
GCRV 376StarK119
GCRV 3791StarG110
GCRV 405Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK110
GCRV 4259StarG108
GCRV 4654Star, High proper-motion StarK78
GCRV 4981Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO800[x]
GCRV 5084Star, High proper-motion StarM103
GCRV 52424Star, High proper-motion StarG107
GCRV 52788Star, High proper-motion StarK117
GCRV 54903Star, Star in ClusterK107
GCRV 60445Star, High proper-motion StarK99
GCRV 60778StarK104
GCRV 60796Star, High proper-motion StarG111
GCRV 61007StarK106
GCRV 61258Star, High proper-motion StarK112
GCRV 61377StarG116
GCRV 62586StarK104
GCRV 6406Star, High proper-motion StarG119
GCRV 64202StarK106
GCRV 65163Star, High proper-motion StarM109
GCRV 65988StarK119
GCRV 6897Star, Biały karzeł2200[x]
GCRV 715Star, Emission-line StarB5000
GCRV 7300Star, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion StarK116
GCRV 74844Star115
GCRV 8858Star, Variable StarG117
GCRV 914Star, High proper-motion StarK117
GCRV 950Star, Biały karzełD2100[x]
GD 1192Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD73
GD 1212Star, Biały karzeł, Pulsating White DwarfD52
GD 140Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD52
GD 175Star, Biały karzełD84
GD 215Star, Biały karzełD80
GD 219Star, Biały karzełD65
GD 279Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD50
GD 319Star, Biały karzełD50
GD 356Star, High proper-motion Star, Biały karzełD68
GD 69Star, Variable Star, Biały karzełD61
Ghost of JupiterStar, Variable Star1392[x]
GienahStar, Variable StarB153
GJ 2015StarK155
Gl 452.2Star, Star in double systemF165
Gl 550.1Star, High proper-motion StarK130
Gl 606.1 BStar, High proper-motion StarK84
Gl 776.1Star, High proper-motion StarK142
Gl 867 BStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM28
GL VirginisStar, Star in Cluster, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM21
Glazar Ori 87Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB971
Gliese 105.2Star, High proper-motion StarK200
Gliese 1081Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion StarM50
Gliese 110Star, Variable StarF178
Gliese 1115Star, High proper-motion StarK83
Gliese 113.1Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Variable StarK136
Gliese 1152StarG163
Gliese 1184Star, High proper-motion StarM142
Gliese 1272Star, High proper-motion Star136
Gliese 138.1Star, High proper-motion StarG168
Gliese 170.1Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarA141
Gliese 182.1StarG124
Gliese 2024StarK1919
Gliese 2026Star, Biały karzeł1095
Gliese 2030Star, Star in double system121
Gliese 2032Star, High proper-motion StarG209
Gliese 2067StarG128
Gliese 2084Star, Peculiar star, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarK146
Gliese 2099StarG138
Gliese 2119StarM129
Gliese 2126StarM125
Gliese 225.1Star, High proper-motion StarG166
Gliese 282 CStar, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable Star46
Gliese 3002Star, High proper-motion StarG128[x]
Gliese 3008Star, High proper-motion StarM71
Gliese 3050Star, High proper-motion StarG122
Gliese 307StarM146
Gliese 3095Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG148
Gliese 3206Star, High proper-motion StarK132
Gliese 3230Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarG130
Gliese 3251Star, High proper-motion StarM122
Gliese 3258Star, High proper-motion StarK133
Gliese 3264Star, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Variable of RS CVn type, Variable StarG166
Gliese 3269Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarK121
Gliese 3299StarK121
Gliese 3318Star, High proper-motion StarK134
Gliese 3324Star, High proper-motion StarG220
Gliese 3371Star, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM44
Gliese 3498Star, High proper-motion StarK131
Gliese 3680Star, High proper-motion StarG141
Gliese 3761StarK140
Gliese 3776Star, Variable StarK691
Gliese 384Star, High proper-motion StarG130
Gliese 3854Star, High proper-motion StarG138
Gliese 3857Star, High proper-motion StarK135
Gliese 3876Star, High proper-motion StarF141
Gliese 3897 BStar, High proper-motion StarG151
Gliese 3930Star, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Variable StarK253
Gliese 3944StarG125
Gliese 3970Star, High proper-motion StarG159
Gliese 398.2Star, Variable Star, Biały karzeł1055
Gliese 4014Star, High proper-motion StarG192
Gliese 4052Star, High proper-motion StarG122[x]
Gliese 4233Star, High proper-motion StarG124
Gliese 4261StarG194
Gliese 4328StarK121
Gliese 4366Star, High proper-motion StarG146
Gliese 44Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK147
Gliese 452.3Star, High proper-motion StarG132
Gliese 460Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF210
Gliese 488.2Star, High proper-motion StarK121
Gliese 506.2StarG171
Gliese 534.1Star, High proper-motion StarG126
Gliese 54.3Star, High proper-motion StarK207
Gliese 550Star, High proper-motion StarG124
Gliese 563.1StarM79
Gliese 577Star, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG146
Gliese 58Star, High proper-motion StarG130
Gliese 59.3StarK392
Gliese 599.1Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK141
Gliese 647Star, High proper-motion StarK133
Gliese 652.1StarG377
Gliese 665.1StarG149
Gliese 668Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK359
Gliese 668.1Star, High proper-motion StarK161
Gliese 67.2Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG259
Gliese 683.2StarG155
Gliese 724.1Star, High proper-motion StarG229
Gliese 724.2StarF135
Gliese 753Star, High proper-motion StarK127
Gliese 76Star, High proper-motion StarG136
Gliese 765.3StarG144
Gliese 828.4Star, High proper-motion StarK144
Gliese 851.3Star, High proper-motion StarG124
Gliese 851.4Star, Star in AssociationK292
Gliese 86.1Star, Czerwony olbrzymK188
Gliese 867.1Star, High proper-motion StarG121
Gliese 868Star, High proper-motion StarK44[x]
Gliese 870Star, High proper-motion StarK142
Gliese 875Star, High proper-motion StarM46
Gliese 900.1Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG123
Gliese 9005Star, High proper-motion StarG190
Gliese 9016Star, High proper-motion StarF147
Gliese 9029Star, High proper-motion StarF159
Gliese 9035Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG149
Gliese 9043Star, High proper-motion StarG161
Gliese 9073Star, High proper-motion StarG120
Gliese 9084Star, High proper-motion StarK204
Gliese 9086Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG255
Gliese 9090Star, High proper-motion StarF212
Gliese 9092Star, High proper-motion StarG229
Gliese 9094Star, High proper-motion StarF185
Gliese 9106Star, High proper-motion StarK146
Gliese 9119Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowaK141
Gliese 9142Star, High proper-motion StarK134
Gliese 9143Star, High proper-motion StarF147
Gliese 9146Star, High proper-motion StarK172
Gliese 9152Star, High proper-motion StarM123
Gliese 9170Star, High proper-motion StarG127
Gliese 9204Star, High proper-motion StarK123
Gliese 9209Star, High proper-motion StarF122
Gliese 9213Star, High proper-motion StarG165
Gliese 9222Star, High proper-motion StarF170
Gliese 9224Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK154
Gliese 9229Star, High proper-motion StarG184
Gliese 9239Star, Rotationally variable StarK160
Gliese 9263Star, High proper-motion StarG123
Gliese 9268Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK129
Gliese 9312Star, High proper-motion StarM136
Gliese 9318Star, High proper-motion StarG144
Gliese 9326Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarF129[x]
Gliese 9336Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarG166
Gliese 9348Star, High proper-motion StarM135
Gliese 9361Star, High proper-motion StarF192
Gliese 9378 BStar, High proper-motion StarG125
Gliese 9392Star, High proper-motion StarK139
Gliese 9405Star, High proper-motion StarG173
Gliese 9407Star, High proper-motion StarK141
Gliese 9408Star, High proper-motion StarG159
Gliese 9420Star, High proper-motion StarK124
Gliese 9423Star, High proper-motion StarF131
Gliese 9455 BStar, High proper-motion StarK158
Gliese 9468Star, High proper-motion StarG154
Gliese 9480Star, High proper-motion StarK148
Gliese 9486Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK132
Gliese 9496Star, Variable StarF161
Gliese 9529Star, High proper-motion StarK160
Gliese 9532Star, High proper-motion StarG148
Gliese 9539Star, High proper-motion StarK144
Gliese 9547Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK142
Gliese 9553Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG131
Gliese 9605Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarK124
Gliese 9608Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK131
Gliese 9624StarF130
Gliese 9631Star, High proper-motion StarG122
Gliese 9735Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG196
Gliese 9843Star, High proper-motion StarF127
GM CepheiStar in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable Star of Orion Type, Gwiazda typu T Tauri, Variable Star, Star suspected of Variability, Young Stellar ObjectF2702
GMB 3689Star, High proper-motion StarG99
GMM2008 24Young Stellar Object1324
GMM2009 LKHA 101 2Young Stellar Object2568
GMM2009 LKHA 101 4Young Stellar ObjectM2605
GomeisaStar, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB162[x]
Gorgonea QuartaStarK288
Gorgonea SecundaStar, High proper-motion StarA309
Gorgonea TertiaStar, High proper-motion Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM308[x]
GQ VirginisStar, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM37
GR VirginisStar, Variable StarG166
Groombridge 1618Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK16[x]
Groombridge 34Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM12[x]
GRS 1739-278Variable Star27000
GrumiumStar, High proper-motion StarK112[x]
GSC 05126-05601Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type6133
GSC 06842-01315Star, Star in Cluster, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB4350
GSC 08333-01215Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster4414
GSC 08976-00983Star, Star in ClusterB5905
GT PegasiStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarM50
GU MuscaeVariable StarK16500
GVS98 11881Star7870
GVS98 3059Star7472
GVS98 3573Star7595
GVS98 8316Star, Star in ClusterG7514
GY AndromedaeStar, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA523
GY BootisStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Variable StarK109
H CentauriStar, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB369
h DraconisStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarF50
h EridaniStar, Horizontal Branch StarK184
H PuppisStarA198
H ScorpiiStar, Variable StarK342
H VelorumStarB1264
H97b 20071Star, Variable Star of irregular type1285
H97b 20087Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular typeM1251
H97b 20204Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of irregular typeM1312
H97b 20257Star, Variable Star of irregular type1287
H97b 20397Star, Variable Star of irregular type1300
H97b 326Star, Variable Star of irregular typeK1288
H97b 405Star, Variable Star of irregular typeM1292
H97b 748aStar, Emission-line StarM1305
H97b 9238Star, Star in ClusterM1304
HamalStar, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarK66[x]
Haro 4-341Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar Object1280
Haro 4-375Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar Object1341
Haro 4-377Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Young Stellar ObjectM1283
Haro 4-380Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1306
Haro 4-411Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Young Stellar Object1254
HAT 94-00572Star, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable StarM83
HAT-P-15Star, Extra-solar PlanetG190
HAT-P-2Star, Extra-solar PlanetF373
HAT-P-3Star, Extra-solar Planet, Variable StarK457
HD 1StarG1019
HD 101008Star, Star in ClusterB5872
HD 101333Star, Star in ClusterO5850
HD 101720StarK2160
HD 103270StarB1444
HD 104171StarB3508
HD 105451StarM1208
HD 105498StarB1321
HD 10641StarK1109
HD 107380StarK1088
HD 107701Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarF278
HD 107740StarA1026
HD 108002StarB2434
HD 108604StarA1036
HD 108650StarF1113
HD 108770StarA1101
HD 109156StarK1080
HD 109400StarG1049
HD 109615StarA1070
HD 109626StarK1656
HD 109740StarK1110
HD 109941Star, Star in ClusterK1639
HD 110043StarK1664
HD 110062StarB1304
HD 110245StarF2119
HD 110392StarK1084
HD 111013StarK2281
HD 111916Star, Star in ClusterB6486
HD 11258StarK1106
HD 114282StarK1032
HD 114883StarK1226
HD 11579StarK1412
HD 115920StarB1254
HD 11804StarG1080
HD 118069StarA1430
HD 118849StarK1226
HD 119112StarK1161
HD 119312StarB1140
HD 119410StarK1240
HD 119789StarF1599
HD 120418StarB1664
HD 120595StarB2051
HD 120598StarB1599
HD 120697StarB1121
HD 121639StarB1190
HD 12192StarB3262
HD 122510Star, Pre-main sequence StarF124
HD 122966StarB1173
HD 12302Star, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB1907
HD 123025StarF1430
HD 123779Star, Variable StarB2026
HD 124818StarF1059
HD 125533StarB1036
HD 126490StarB2509
HD 129456Star, High proper-motion StarK210
HD 12993Star, Variable StarO2435
HD 130885StarB1076
HD 132818StarG1320
HD 132986StarK1599
HD 13374StarG1173
HD 133948StarK1560
HD 133990StarK1208
HD 134218StarB1070
HD 136487StarB1231
HD 136695Star, Variable Star of Mira Cet type, Variable StarM1029
HD 137388Star, Variable StarK128
HD 138130Star, Star in double systemB1106
HD 138895StarG1199
HD 139039StarG1370
HD 139206Star, Variable StarB1022
HD 13931Star, High proper-motion StarG144
HD 139415StarB1137
HD 14028Star, Variable Star of Mira Cet type, S Star, Variable StarS1463
HD 140623Star, Star in double systemB1003
HD 140896StarA1443
HD 140926Star, Be Star, Emission-line StarB1245
HD 14143Star, Star in double system, Star in ClusterB7585
HD 141562StarB1025
HD 142468Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB1337
HD 14292StarG1020
HD 14321Star, Star in ClusterB7667
HD 144901StarB1231
HD 14646StarA1561
HD 147347StarB2652
HD 148115StarK1069
HD 148173Star, Gwiazda węglowa, Long-period variable star, Variable StarC1007
HD 148937Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO1388
HD 149193StarB2764
HD 149443StarB2993
HD 149834Star, Star in Association, Star in ClusterB4417
HD 151397StarB1875
HD 151564Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB1822
HD 152002StarB1310
HD 152200Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO4032
HD 152233Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO4009
HD 152314Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO4191
HD 153005StarB1289
HD 153123StarB3106
HD 154042StarB1053
HD 154873StarB1510
HD 155550Star, Variable StarB2039
HD 15570Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO2104
HD 155889StarO2718
HD 156127StarB1117
HD 156327Star, Star in double system, Variable Star of beta Cep type, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Gwiazda Wolfa-RayetaW1772
HD 156706StarB1059
HD 156770StarB1953
HD 156835StarB1102
HD 156976StarB1208
HD 157455StarB3002
HD 157478StarA3063
HD 157523StarB2962
HD 157644StarA1561
HD 157793StarA1052
HD 157865StarB1144
HD 157957StarB1708
HD 158128StarA1177
HD 159380StarB1250
HD 160072StarK1326
HD 160093Star, Star in ClusterB1607
HD 160166Star, Star in ClusterA1578
HD 160167Star, Star in ClusterB1661
HD 160221Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB1648
HD 160259Star, Star in ClusterB1551
HD 160298Star, Star in ClusterB1614
HD 160392Star, Star in ClusterA1610
HD 160409Star, Star in ClusterA1575
HD 16055StarK1042
HD 160767StarA1157
HD 160876StarB1084
HD 160940StarA1560
HD 161573Star, Star in ClusterB1169
HD 161629StarB1069
HD 161858Star, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB2203
HD 162480StarF1080
HD 162780Star, Star in ClusterA1045
HD 163044StarF1099
HD 163254Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1148
HD 163509StarK1517
HD 163536Star, Star in ClusterG2060
HD 163604StarB1203
HD 163966StarB1004
HD 164162StarK1443
HD 164535Star, Star in ClusterB4366
HD 164537Star, Star in ClusterB4318
HD 164585Star, Star in ClusterB4235
HD 164654Star, Star in ClusterF5140
HD 164684Star, Star in ClusterG5140
HD 164705Star, Star in ClusterA4255
HD 164793Star, Star in ClusterB4421
HD 164865Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line StarB4257
HD 164906Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line StarB4268
HD 164933Star, Star in ClusterB4445
HD 165133Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line StarB4447
HD 165247Star, Star in ClusterA4348
HD 1655StarG1029
HD 165617StarB1213
HD 165763Star, Emission-line Star, Gwiazda Wolfa-RayetaW3048
HD 166058StarK2416
HD 166199StarB1885
HD 166226Star, Variable StarB1469
HD 166391Star, Star in double systemK2471
HD 166453StarB2281
HD 166897StarB1178
HD 167095StarB1364
HD 167297StarB1681
HD 167846StarB1531
HD 167971Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable StarO2160
HD 167985StarB1647
HD 168137Star, Star in ClusterO1394
HD 169094StarB1490
HD 169476StarG1347
HD 169669StarB1102
HD 16971StarM1125
HD 169744Star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarB1289
HD 169791Star, Variable StarB1496
HD 170054Star, Star in Cluster1095
HD 171060Star, Variable StarB1568
HD 171198StarO1365
HD 171201StarB2281
HD 171925StarB1744
HD 173287StarA1039
HD 173375StarB1699
HD 173770StarB1149
HD 173975StarB1121
HD 17520Star, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Variable StarO7766
HD 175815StarB1591
HD 17628StarG1546
HD 177875StarA1631
HD 178355StarA1007
HD 179281StarB1874
HD 179370Star, Variable StarA1353
HD 179459StarK1907
HD 179909StarA1517
HD 179981StarK1456
HD 180287StarA1010
HD 180953Star, Gwiazda węglowa, Long-period variable star, Variable StarC1745
HD 18231StarB1084
HD 183280Star, Variable Star of delta Sct typeA1102
HD 184605StarB1125
HD 184711Star, Variable StarG1412
HD 184762Star, Star in ClusterB1079
HD 185038Star, Star in ClusterA1042
HD 185352Star, Star in ClusterA1044
HD 185660StarB1222
HD 185756StarA1029
HD 186774Star, Variable StarA1013
HD 187074Star1783
HD 187161StarB1250
HD 187343StarB1169
HD 187851Star, Be Star, Variable StarB1222
HD 187921Star, Classical Cepheid (delta Cep type), Variable StarF4078
HD 188170StarA1208
HD 188210StarA1274
HD 188261StarA1274
HD 188503StarB1321
HD 188612StarB1235
HD 188992StarA1365
HD 189315StarB1020
HD 189528StarB1169
HD 189706StarB1370
HD 190001StarB1412
HD 190025StarB1754
HD 190114StarB1145
HD 190167StarA1456
HD 190256StarB1199
HD 190428StarB1489
HD 190469StarB1424
HD 190570StarB1199
HD 191291StarB1305
HD 191293StarA1023
HD 191399StarB1274
HD 191422StarB1699
HD 191667StarB1377
HD 191720StarB1315
HD 191745Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1144
HD 191813Star, Star in ClusterB1449
HD 192022Star, Star in ClusterB1244
HD 192517StarB1245
HD 192766StarB1896
HD 193443StarO3546
HD 193553Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable Star1264
HD 193576Star, Star in Association, Emission-line Star, Variable Star, Gwiazda Wolfa-RayetaW2077
HD 193666StarB1726
HD 193772StarB1260
HD 193926StarA1000
HD 19419Star, Star in ClusterA1164
HD 19450StarK1039
HD 194779Star, Emission-line StarB1853
HD 195015StarA1539
HD 195456StarB1331
HD 19557Star, Gwiazda węglowa, Variable StarC1591
HD 195574StarA1656
HD 195918StarB1655
HD 195967StarK1326
HD 195985StarB1304
HD 196006StarB1204
HD 196072StarA1048
HD 196240StarA1843
HD 196270Star, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable Star1013
HD 197008StarA1853
HD 197118StarA1095
HD 197291StarA1864
HD 197293StarB1376
HD 197374StarB1463
HD 197394StarA1004
HD 197559StarA1371
HD 197619StarB2026
HD 198056StarB1113
HD 198195StarB1153
HD 198691StarA1019
HD 198793StarB1213
HD 199021StarB1953
HD 199987StarB1699
HD 200209StarA1664
HD 200242StarB1212
HD 200853StarG1204
HD 201795StarB2347
HD 201839StarB2330
HD 202252StarA1812
HD 205116Star, Star in ClusterA1045
HD 205196Star, Star in Cluster, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB2132
HD 205210Star, Star in ClusterB1337
HD 205665Star, Star in ClusterA1354
HD 206183Star, Star in ClusterO2039
HD 206763StarB1376
HD 206773Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line StarB2330
HD 208496Star, Variable StarF219
HD 209977Star, Variable StarM1133
HD 210128StarA1462
HD 21229StarA1331
HD 213607StarA1953
HD 213632StarB1059
HD 213728StarB1029
HD 214974StarA1160
HD 215673Star, Gwiazda węglowa, Long-period variable star, Variable StarC6154
HD 215835Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO5018
HD 216898Star, Star in AssociationO1930
HD 216992StarB2381
HD 217030StarK1907
HD 217061Star, Star in Association, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB2051
HD 217086Star, Star in Association, Young Stellar ObjectO1424
HD 217463Star, Star in AssociationB2064
HD 218066Star, Star in Association, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB2077
HD 218229Star, Star in AssociationB2347
HD 218450Star, Star in AssociationB2381
HD 218723StarB1310
HD 218865StarK1359
HD 218915Star, Błękitny nadolbrzymO2490[x]
HD 219523StarB1842
HD 219978Star, Long-period variable star, Variable StarK1965
HD 220958Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarK1090
HD 2218StarB1153
HD 222582Star, High proper-motion StarG137[x]
HD 223209StarB1354
HD 224193StarG1195
HD 224225Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM1310
HD 224855Star, Gwiazda węglowa, Emission-line Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarC2861
HD 225077Star, Star in ClusterA911
HD 225098StarG1337
HD 225206Star, Star in ClusterB881
HD 22659StarA964
HD 227586Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB5114
HD 228778Star, Star in Association, Variable StarG2812
HD 228834StarB1699
HD 228852StarK1699
HD 228911Star, Variable StarB2052
HD 232552Star, Be Star, Emission-line StarB1371
HD 232657StarK2364
HD 234700StarK1026
HD 235423StarA1354
HD 236912StarB1942
HD 238912StarK1036
HD 239226StarK2038
HD 239729Star, Star in ClusterB1117
HD 239843StarA1360
HD 239847StarA1010
HD 240284StarB1250
HD 240308StarB1376
HD 240450StarB1305
HD 243331StarK2280
HD 245140StarB1534
HD 245185Star, Gwiazdy typu Herbig Ae/Be, Emission-line Star, Variable StarA1574
HD 245203StarB1427
HD 245680StarB1212
HD 246338Star, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB1792
HD 248291StarG2013
HD 250289Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line StarB2696
HD 25132StarB1517
HD 252197Star, Star in ClusterK416
HD 25308Star, Star in ClusterA1250
HD 25373StarK1250
HD 25508Star, Star in ClusterA1013
HD 25734StarB4868
HD 257713StarF2204
HD 257905StarK2189
HD 25799Star, Variable StarB1036
HD 261736Star, Star in ClusterA2186
HD 27004StarB1204
HD 27234StarK2913
HD 27546Star, Variable StarB1110
HD 278199StarB1599
HD 27858StarK2363
HD 278990StarA1001
HD 279128StarB1019
HD 28310StarK1026
HD 287089StarA1930
HD 287545StarK1199
HD 288174Star, Peculiar starK1699
HD 29036StarF1121
HD 290935StarG1615
HD 294046Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1337
HD 294269StarG1328
HD 29450StarB1607
HD 30282Star, Classical Cepheid (delta Cep type), Variable StarF1177
HD 303065Star, Star in ClusterB7766
HD 303075Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Variable StarB7631
HD 30535StarB1069
HD 306185Star, Star in ClusterB5353
HD 308800Star, Star in ClusterB5818
HD 308804Star, Star in ClusterB5809
HD 308813Star, Star in ClusterO5826
HD 308814Star, Star in ClusterA5892
HD 308815Star, Star in ClusterB5806
HD 308816Star, Star in ClusterO5827
HD 308817Star, Star in ClusterA5818
HD 308818Star, Star in ClusterO5965
HD 308825Star, Star in ClusterB5942
HD 308827Star, Star in ClusterB5909
HD 308830Star, Star in ClusterB5843
HD 308831Star, Star in ClusterB5852
HD 308833Star, Star in ClusterB5848
HD 30897StarK1049
HD 31006StarK2346
HD 310376Star, Variable StarA1294
HD 31057StarB1240
HD 312074Star, Star in ClusterO6478
HD 312078Star, Star in ClusterB6430
HD 312079Star, Star in ClusterB6430
HD 312085Star, Star in ClusterB6483
HD 312343Star, Star in ClusterK2030
HD 312408Star, Star in ClusterK2040
HD 312417Star, Star in ClusterK2050
HD 31381StarG1195
HD 314899Star, Star in ClusterB4422
HD 314900Star, Star in ClusterA4244
HD 314928Star, Star in ClusterK4277
HD 315011Star, Star in ClusterF4353
HD 315015Star, Star in ClusterA4234
HD 315017Star, Star in ClusterA4447
HD 315018Star, Star in ClusterB4292
HD 315019Star, Star in ClusterA4331
HD 315020Star, Star in ClusterA4293
HD 315021Star, Star in ClusterB4354
HD 315022Star, Star in ClusterA4284
HD 315023Star, Star in ClusterO4311
HD 315024Star, Star in ClusterB4261
HD 315025Star, Star in ClusterB4469
HD 315027Star, Star in ClusterF4412
HD 315028Star, Star in ClusterF4267
HD 315029Star, Star in ClusterA4273
HD 315031Star, Star in ClusterB4497
HD 315034Star, Star in ClusterB4482
HD 315035Star, Star in ClusterA4472
HD 315039Star, Star in ClusterA4387
HD 315043Star, Star in ClusterA4223
HD 315045Star, Star in ClusterK4207
HD 315046Star, Star in ClusterM4289
HD 315047Star, Star in ClusterK4213
HD 316354Star, Classical Cepheid (delta Cep type), Variable StarK1056
HD 318093Star, Star in ClusterA1560
HD 318096StarF1666
HD 318098StarA1532
HD 318101Star, Star in ClusterB1674
HD 318111StarA1615
HD 318115Star, Star in ClusterA1601
HD 318124StarB1615
HD 318127Star, Star in ClusterB1693
HD 318136StarB1601
HD 319738Star, Gwiazda węglowa1348
HD 32007StarB1132
HD 32190Star, Star in Cluster, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB2132
HD 32202StarB1517
HD 32212StarB1716
HD 326328Star, Star in ClusterB4016
HD 326339Star, Star in ClusterB4013
HD 326340Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarB4176
HD 328262StarG1144
HD 32841StarK1310
HD 328584StarG1489
HD 33037StarB1655
HD 330884StarF1195
HD 33120StarA1656
HD 331491StarF1430
HD 331647StarK1370
HD 33189StarA1076
HD 33235StarK1000
HD 332408StarB2490
HD 332683StarK1623
HD 33278StarK1036
HD 33288StarA1039
HD 333410Star, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarA1331
HD 333965StarB1204
HD 334068StarB1208
HD 334456StarA1295
HD 33690StarB1132
HD 338564Star, Star in ClusterA1078
HD 338647Star, Star in ClusterG1054
HD 338654Star, Star in Cluster1084
HD 338657Star, Star in ClusterA1079
HD 338667Star, Star in ClusterG1022
HD 339850StarB1117
HD 34120StarB1076
HD 34271StarA1169
HD 345104Star, Star in ClusterB1032
HD 34523StarB1157
HD 34814StarA1153
HD 34827StarB1195
HD 34835StarB1052
HD 34862StarA1042
HD 34881StarA1038
HD 35172StarA1538
HD 35195StarB1326
HD 35305StarB1231
HD 35333StarA1647
HD 35658StarB1035
HD 35718StarA1091
HD 35762StarB1091
HD 35899StarB1106
HD 35901StarA1106
HD 36083StarB1315
HD 36234Star, Star in NebulaB1129
HD 36286StarF1217
HD 36363Star, Star in NebulaF1231
HD 36374StarB1274
HD 36471Star, Star in NebulaB1274
HD 36560Star, Star in NebulaF1250
HD 36627StarB1165
HD 36727StarA1129
HD 36799StarA1099
HD 36841StarB2001
HD 36894StarB1574
HD 36895StarB1614
HD 36917Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Variable Star of Orion Type, Pre-main sequence Star, Variable Star, Young Stellar ObjectB1294
HD 36920StarK1255
HD 36935StarB1084
HD 36975StarB1489
HD 37015StarB1204
HD 37017Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Variable StarB1240
HD 37141StarA1084
HD 37149Star, Be Star, Emission-line StarB1300
HD 37294StarB1690
HD 37334Star, Star in Cluster, Star in Nebula, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1406
HD 37427Star, Star in double systemB1638
HD 37480Star, Star in NebulaA1106
HD 37526Star, Star in NebulaB1310
HD 37606StarB1284
HD 37660StarA1299
HD 37687StarB1161
HD 37806Star, Be Star, Emission-line Star, Variable StarB1598
HD 37888StarB1331
HD 38203StarA1725
HD 38439StarB1639
HD 39481StarA2364
HD 39942StarA1400
HD 39957StarB2330
HD 40279StarA1173
HD 40316StarB1048
HD 40534StarB1412
HD 40694Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1102
HD 40836StarB1240
HD 41375StarB1026
HD 41397StarF1763
HD 41855StarA1007
HD 42040StarB2064
HD 43065StarB1639
HD 43654Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1321
HD 44281StarA1010
HD 4430StarA2610
HD 44489StarG1039
HD 44638StarK2132
HD 45339Star, Star in ClusterA1489
HD 46159StarG1503
HD 4726StarK1772
HD 47404Star, Variable StarM1568
HD 47719StarB1062
HD 47961Star, Star in Cluster, Pre-main sequence StarB1469
HD 49298StarK1631
HD 49367StarK1763
HD 49545StarB1106
HD 497StarG1444
HD 50Star, Star in ClusterA891
HD 51613StarA1254
HD 5174StarK1020
HD 53041StarB1305
HD 5326StarA3664
HD 53456Star, Star in double systemB3584
HD 53514StarB2105
HD 53654StarB1482
HD 57139StarB1164
HD 57782StarA1708
HD 58522StarA1066
HD 60665StarB1726
HD 6197StarG1019
HD 63276StarG1117
HD 63625Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB1165
HD 65304StarG1007
HD 65360StarB1209
HD 65598StarB1035
HD 67208StarK1004
HD 67557StarB1029
HD 68074Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of alpha2 CVn type, Variable StarA1073
HD 68188StarA1208
HD 68895StarB1046
HD 69324StarB2609
HD 69521Star1052
HD 70507StarA1070
HD 71537StarA1070
HD 72537StarB1191
HD 75101StarK1137
HD 75222Star, Błękitny nadolbrzymO2364
HD 75860Star, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB4077
HD 75968StarB2346
HD 77185StarB1673
HD 82457StarB2609
HD 84311StarK2026
HD 85794StarG1125
HD 8768Star, Star in ClusterO8583
HD 88185StarK2470
HD 8834StarA1953
HD 88670StarK1735
HD 89342StarK1121
HD 90151StarB1212
HD 91983Star, Star in ClusterO7546
HD 92044Star, Star in ClusterB7541
HD 92966Star, Star in ClusterB490
HD 92989Star, Star in ClusterA480
HD 99897StarO1802
HD2002 Star 219Star3053
HD2002 Star 343Star2561
HD2002 Star 349Star2539
HD2002 Star 365Star2563
HD2002 Star 49Star2555
HD2002 Star 668Star2510
HD2002 Star 685Star2568
HD2002 Star 98Star2870
Helix NebulaStar, Biały karzeł689[x]
Hen 2-215Star4899
HERSCHEL 36Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarO4500
HERZ 10688Star, High proper-motion StarK86
HERZ 13422StarK97
HERZ 2844Star, High proper-motion StarG118
HERZ 2910Star, High proper-motion StarG119
HERZ 589StarK102
HezeStar, High proper-motion StarA74[x]
HG 7-206Star, Gwiazda rozbłyskowa, Peculiar star, High proper-motion StarM77
HG 7-208Star, Star in Cluster, High proper-motion StarM63
HH 17Star, Young Stellar ObjectK1207
HIP 100000StarK731
HIP 100002StarF378
HIP 100034StarF363
HIP 100035StarF193
HIP 100046StarF182
HIP 100063StarF237
HIP 100072StarF129
HIP 100118StarA376
HIP 10012Star, High proper-motion StarG186
HIP 100128StarA342
HIP 100179Star152
HIP 100225StarG163
HIP 100233Star, High proper-motion StarG131
HIP 100235Star, High proper-motion StarG181
HIP 100253Star, Variable StarA467
HIP 100265StarF404
HIP 100269StarF267
HIP 100280Star, High proper-motion StarG126
HIP 100284Star, High proper-motion StarK161
HIP 1003Star, High proper-motion StarG158
HIP 100305StarA329
HIP 100316StarA460
HIP 100321StarF187
HIP 10033StarF227
HIP 100341Star, High proper-motion StarK155
HIP 100349StarA460
HIP 100359Star, High proper-motion StarG226
HIP 100379StarF146
HIP 100384StarA373
HIP 100391Star, Variable StarB968
HIP 100405Star, High proper-motion StarG149
HIP 100423Star, High proper-motion StarG224
HIP 100449Star, Star in double systemG167
HIP 100461StarF473
HIP 100465Star, High proper-motion StarK319
HIP 100466StarG235
HIP 100470StarG263
HIP 10050Star, High proper-motion StarF123[x]
HIP 100500StarG160
HIP 100503StarK271
HIP 100510StarA482
HIP 100539Star, High proper-motion StarG279
HIP 10056Star, High proper-motion StarM181
HIP 100568Star, High proper-motion StarF143
HIP 10057Star, High proper-motion StarK248
HIP 100570StarF148
HIP 10067StarF352
HIP 100685StarK178
HIP 100737StarA317
HIP 100749StarB1832
HIP 100753StarB3197
HIP 100767Star, High proper-motion StarF336
HIP 100777StarF330
HIP 10079Star, High proper-motion StarF164
HIP 100818Star165
HIP 100834StarA840
HIP 100857StarA582
HIP 100891Star, Star in ClusterF216
HIP 100895Star, High proper-motion StarF153
HIP 100906StarK297
HIP 100934StarG180
HIP 10096StarF232
HIP 100967StarG240
HIP 100968StarG240
HIP 100970Star, High proper-motion StarG122
HIP 100974StarK161
HIP 100984Star, High proper-motion StarG588
HIP 10099Star, Variable StarA260
HIP 1010StarG934
HIP 101006StarF283
HIP 101007StarK326
HIP 101031Star, High proper-motion StarG201
HIP 10108StarF337
HIP 101081StarB1875
HIP 101087StarG352
HIP 101109StarB468
HIP 101110StarB343
HIP 101153StarG203
HIP 101166Star, High proper-motion StarG225
HIP 10118StarG197
HIP 101197StarF531
HIP 10123Star, High proper-motion Star194
HIP 101234Star, High proper-motion StarF217
HIP 10124StarA1059
HIP 101249StarF197
HIP 101255StarA337
HIP 101265StarA982
HIP 101268StarF149
HIP 101274StarK130
HIP 101295StarB1843
HIP 1013Star, High proper-motion StarK230
HIP 101304StarF273
HIP 101323StarB1568
HIP 101327StarA497
HIP 101341Star, Star in Association, Star in Cluster, Emission-line Star, Błękitny nadolbrzym, Variable StarO2146
HIP 10137StarF279
HIP 101390Star, High proper-motion StarK237
HIP 101399Star, High proper-motion StarG178
HIP 10141Star, Star in Cluster, Variable Star of delta Sct type, Variable StarF335
HIP 101422Star, Pre-main sequence StarF337
HIP 101430Star, High proper-motion StarF204
HIP 101432Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarG130
HIP 101446StarG385
HIP 101461StarM150
HIP 101491Star, High proper-motion StarA715
HIP 10150StarG367
HIP 101504StarG271
HIP 101511StarF251
HIP 101549Star, Pre-main sequence StarK167
HIP 101555StarF501
HIP 101565StarB1095
HIP 101574Star, Star in double systemM155
HIP 101587StarG156
HIP 101597Star, High proper-motion StarG135
HIP 10161StarK886
HIP 101620StarF173
HIP 101628StarG234
HIP 101631Star, Star in ClusterG162
HIP 101636StarG225
HIP 101649StarG494
HIP 101650StarF355
HIP 101668StarA417
HIP 10167StarA373
HIP 101671StarA408
HIP 101682StarB957
HIP 10172StarG359
HIP 101726Star, Pre-main sequence StarG123
HIP 101744StarF408
HIP 10175StarG134
HIP 101757StarF233
HIP 101760Star, High proper-motion StarG164
HIP 101763Star, High proper-motion StarK295
HIP 101771StarA400
HIP 101785StarF169
HIP 101801Star, Star in double systemB1896
HIP 101806StarG163
HIP 101812StarF243
HIP 101814Star, High proper-motion StarK206
HIP 101836StarF430
HIP 101846Star, High proper-motion StarK125
HIP 101851StarA557
HIP 101852StarG142
HIP 101854StarG248
HIP 101856Star, High proper-motion StarK121
HIP 101857Star, High proper-motion StarG206
HIP 10190StarG286
HIP 101904StarG181
HIP 101906StarF172
HIP 101910Star, High proper-motion Star206
HIP 101924StarF429
HIP 101933Star, High proper-motion Star132
HIP 101962StarF260
HIP 101980Star, Emission-line StarB1907
HIP 101989Star, High proper-motion Star222
HIP 102016Star, High proper-motion StarG175
HIP 102018Star, High proper-motion StarG131
HIP 10202StarF646
HIP 102029Star, Star in double systemF234
HIP 102034StarA896
HIP 102046Star, High proper-motion StarF202
HIP 102081Star, High proper-motion StarG180
HIP 102128Star, High proper-motion StarG158
HIP 102130StarG176
HIP 102147StarG204
HIP 102151StarA440
HIP 102156StarF362
HIP 102165StarA417
HIP 102167StarO2363
HIP 102189Star, High proper-motion StarG177
HIP 102218StarF220
HIP 102259StarG228
HIP 10232StarG448
HIP 10237StarF458
HIP 102376StarB669
HIP 102394Star, High proper-motion Star169
HIP 102406StarG217
HIP 102418StarF218
HIP 102419StarF192
HIP 10245Star, High proper-motion StarK166
HIP 102523Star, High proper-motion StarG173
HIP 102548StarG215
HIP 102556StarG285
HIP 102569StarK189
HIP 102609StarB1531
HIP 102610StarF131
HIP 10262StarK625
HIP 102632StarA903
HIP 102655StarG175
HIP 102664StarG124
HIP 102665StarF601
HIP 10267Star, Biały karzełG282
HIP 102699StarK935
HIP 102725StarF254
HIP 102739StarA440
HIP 102754Star, Be Star, Emission-line StarB1470
HIP 102762Star, High proper-motion StarG191
HIP 102787StarK841
HIP 1028StarG357
HIP 102807StarF166
HIP 102815StarG167
HIP 102817Star, High proper-motion Star144
HIP 102865Star, High proper-motion Star207
HIP 102868StarG230
HIP 102869StarF171
HIP 102895Star, Variable of BY Dra type, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG131
HIP 102908StarF219
HIP 102923Star, High proper-motion StarK157
HIP 102924StarF243
HIP 102962StarA249
HIP 102964Star, High proper-motion StarK126
HIP 103014Star, High proper-motion StarK139
HIP 103031StarF197
HIP 103043StarA406
HIP 103048Star, High proper-motion StarF228
HIP 103105StarA360
HIP 103107StarF234
HIP 103131Star, High proper-motion StarG188
HIP 103138StarK130
HIP 103204Star, High proper-motion StarG179
HIP 103208StarG210
HIP 10322Star, High proper-motion StarG134
HIP 10325Star, High proper-motion StarK256
HIP 103250StarG167
HIP 103260Star, Star in double systemG151
HIP 103271StarF202
HIP 10331Star, Star in ClusterA424
HIP 103311Star, Star in double systemF149
HIP 103331Star, High proper-motion StarM141
HIP 103341StarB712
HIP 103361StarG173
HIP 103368Star, High proper-motion Star165
HIP 103390StarM160
HIP 103403StarA522
HIP 103404Star, High proper-motion Star493
HIP 103430StarK204
HIP 103435StarA446
HIP 103438Star, Pre-main sequence StarG176
HIP 103442StarA988
HIP 10346StarG217
HIP 103470StarG274
HIP 103489StarF453
HIP 103498Star, High proper-motion StarF172
HIP 103502Star, High proper-motion StarM143
HIP 10351StarF237
HIP 103529StarA321
HIP 10355StarA354
HIP 103571Star, High proper-motion StarF185
HIP 103572Star, High proper-motion StarG219
HIP 103578Star, High proper-motion StarK213
HIP 10358Star, Star in ClusterB1763
HIP 103583StarK139
HIP 103595StarG271
HIP 103620Star, High proper-motion StarK132
HIP 103626Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarG201
HIP 10363Star, High proper-motion StarK174
HIP 103645Star, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarM924
HIP 10365StarG169
HIP 103654Star, High proper-motion StarG129
HIP 103678Star, High proper-motion StarK133
HIP 103705StarK396
HIP 103710StarK163
HIP 103735StarG151
HIP 103737StarF318
HIP 103754Star, High proper-motion StarG166
HIP 10378StarF231
HIP 103787StarK127
HIP 103824Star, High proper-motion StarG144
HIP 103831StarG346
HIP 103832Star, High proper-motion StarK135
HIP 103854StarG256
HIP 103855Star, High proper-motion StarK145
HIP 103867Star, High proper-motion StarK139
HIP 103869StarF444
HIP 103893StarK884
HIP 103895Star, High proper-motion StarG165
HIP 103896Star, High proper-motion StarG152
HIP 103913Star, High proper-motion StarK165
HIP 103930Star, Star in double systemG643
HIP 103931StarF154
HIP 103978StarF269
HIP 103985StarG469
HIP 104026StarG189
HIP 10403StarF129
HIP 104034Star, Star in ClusterF223
HIP 104039StarK749
HIP 104045Star, High proper-motion StarG171
HIP 104065StarG270
HIP 104071StarG184
HIP 10409StarF343
HIP 104097Star, High proper-motion StarK168
HIP 104124Star, High proper-motion StarK148
HIP 104128StarF162
HIP 10413Star, High proper-motion StarF251
HIP 104158StarG290
HIP 104163StarG236
HIP 104206StarF257
HIP 104208StarA554
HIP 104226StarK205
HIP 104232StarK499
HIP 104250StarB767
HIP 104256StarK176
HIP 104269StarG258
HIP 104288StarA454
HIP 104292StarF224
HIP 104294Star, High proper-motion StarF154
HIP 104317StarA313
HIP 104318Star, High proper-motion StarG124
HIP 104326StarA446
HIP 104330StarF445
HIP 104331Star, High proper-motion StarK135
HIP 104349StarF262
HIP 104376Star, High proper-motion StarK281
HIP 104384Star, High proper-motion StarK204
HIP 104396StarF223
HIP 104412StarF377
HIP 104426Star, High proper-motion StarK143
HIP 104453StarF203
HIP 10446Star, High proper-motion StarK210
HIP 104471StarF144
HIP 104476Star, Pre-main sequence StarG170
HIP 104478Star, Variable StarG458
HIP 104488Star, High proper-motion StarM152
HIP 10449Star, High proper-motion StarG206
HIP 104504Star, High proper-motion StarG163
HIP 10454StarK357
HIP 104549StarG171
HIP 104560Star, High proper-motion StarG191
HIP 104604Star, Variable StarF158
HIP 104637StarF424
HIP 104638StarA924
HIP 104672Star, High proper-motion StarF239
HIP 104721StarF168
HIP 104729StarF459
HIP 10474StarF276
HIP 104759Star, High proper-motion StarG150
HIP 104764StarF200
HIP 104768StarG241
HIP 104796StarF447
HIP 10482StarA540
HIP 10483Star, High proper-motion StarG224
HIP 104856Star, High proper-motion StarM190
HIP 104864Star, Pre-main sequence StarG166
HIP 10490StarK725
HIP 104903StarG148[x]
HIP 10492StarG144
HIP 10496StarG253
HIP 105062Star, High proper-motion StarK134
HIP 10510Star, High proper-motion StarG131
HIP 10511StarA591
HIP 105112Star, Variable StarF245
HIP 105116StarF265
HIP 105123StarA420
HIP 105151StarG357
HIP 105153StarB926
HIP 105156Star, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence StarG147
HIP 105160StarG340
HIP 105192StarF178
HIP 1052StarF383
HIP 105200StarG156
HIP 105202StarF137
HIP 105237StarA469
HIP 105261Star, High proper-motion Star132
HIP 10532StarK151
HIP 105359Star, High proper-motion StarG148
HIP 105368Star, High proper-motion StarK147
HIP 105372StarF279
HIP 105388Star, Pre-main sequence Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable StarG141
HIP 105391StarG167
HIP 105404Star, Variable StarG147
HIP 105408StarG209
HIP 10543StarG230
HIP 105431StarF156
HIP 105439StarG151
HIP 105451StarF224
HIP 105460StarK514
HIP 105483Star, High proper-motion StarG127
HIP 105489StarA424
HIP 1055Star, High proper-motion StarM135
HIP 105504StarK138
HIP 105510StarK168
HIP 105511StarF229
HIP 105531StarA850
HIP 105547StarF195
HIP 105557Star, High proper-motion StarG130
HIP 10556Star, High proper-motion StarK159
HIP 105577StarG229
HIP 105586StarF274
HIP 105588StarK856
HIP 105592StarG622
HIP 105595StarB467
HIP 105606StarG122
HIP 105624StarA484
HIP 105629StarF179
HIP 105639StarK185
HIP 10564StarA586
HIP 105641StarF198
HIP 105647StarF470
HIP 105658StarA932
HIP 105666StarA432
HIP 10567StarF153
HIP 105683StarF224
HIP 10570StarF280
HIP 105715StarF538
HIP 105724StarA603
HIP 105740Star, High proper-motion StarK164
HIP 105746StarF295
HIP 10575StarF359
HIP 105773StarF200
HIP 10579Star, Star in double system, Variable StarG189
HIP 1058StarF214
HIP 105806StarF353
HIP 105813StarB995
HIP 105821StarK152
HIP 105829StarA824
HIP 10584Star, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG157
HIP 105849Star, High proper-motion Star213
HIP 10586StarB1365
HIP 105863Star168
HIP 10587Star, High proper-motion StarG213
HIP 105879StarF206
HIP 10588StarG255
HIP 10589Star, High proper-motion StarK183
HIP 105892StarF308
HIP 105906Star, High proper-motion StarG137
HIP 105929StarG239
HIP 105947StarF186
HIP 105955Star, Star in ClusterA951
HIP 105992Star, High proper-motion StarK126
HIP 106006Star, High proper-motion StarG155
HIP 106009Star, Star in Cluster, Pulsating variable Star, Variable StarB932
HIP 10601StarK760
HIP 10603StarF777
HIP 106040StarF195
HIP 106056Star, High proper-motion StarK732
HIP 106069StarA489
HIP 106072Star, High proper-motion StarM143
HIP 106078StarG161
HIP 106080Star, High proper-motion StarG174
HIP 106081StarK319
HIP 106100StarG231
HIP 10611StarG193
HIP 106170Star, Star in Cluster, Variable StarA989
HIP 10619Star, High proper-motion StarG251
HIP 106204Star, High proper-motion StarK146
HIP 106208Star, High proper-motion Star172
HIP 106213StarG121
HIP 106262Star, Star in ClusterA960
HIP 106288Star, High proper-motion StarG216
HIP 10629Star, High proper-motion StarG128
HIP 106296StarK150
HIP 106297Star, Star in ClusterA863