Classificação estelar

Temperatura efetiva
5,000–6,000 K
Raio solar
0.96–1.15 R
Massa solar
0.8–1.04 M

Um anã amarela é uma estrela da sequência principal de classe G. Essas estrelas têm entre 0,8 e 1,2 massas solares e temperatura superficial entre 5 300 e 6 000 K. Como outras estrelas da sequência principal, uma anã amarela está no processo de conversão de hidrogênio para hélio em seu núcleo pela fusão nuclear. O Sol é o exemplo mais conhecido de anã amarela. Cada segundo, ele funde aproximadamente 600 milhões de toneladas de hidrogênio para hélio, convertendo cerca de 4 milhões de toneladas de matéria em energia. Outras anãs amarelas incluem Alpha Centauri A, Tau Ceti e 51 Pegasi. Uma anã amarela funde hidrogênio por cerca de 10 bilhões de anos, até ele acabar. Quando isso acontece, a estrela se expande e vira uma gigante vermelha, como Aldebarã (Alpha Tauri). Eventualmente a gigante vermelha perde suas camadas externas de gás, que vira uma nebulosa planetária, e o núcleo esfria e se contrai em uma densa anã branca.

Uses material from the Wikipedia article "Anã amarela", which is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.
Corpo celeste DistânciaWiki
109 PisciumStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG106[x]
14 AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Variable StarG258[x]
18 ScorpiiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarG46[x]
20 Leonis MinorisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG49[x]
23 LibraeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG86[x]
31 AquilaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarG50[x]
31 VulpeculaeStar, Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG189[x]
39 TauriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG55[x]
47 Ursae MajorisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG46[x]
51 PegasiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, Star suspected of VariabilityG51[x]
53 AquariiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG66[x]
59 VirginisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG57[x]
6 TrianguliStar, Double or multiple star, Ellipsoidal variable Star, Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG291[x]
61 VirginisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission sourceG28[x]
70 VirginisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG58[x]
72 HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarG47[x]
81 CancriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission sourceG67[x]
82 EridaniStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG19[x]
86 AquariiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG217[x]
Alpha CentauriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG4[x]
Alpha ReticuliStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG161[x]
AlshainStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG45[x]
AltaisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG98[x]
AnchaStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG188[x]
BD+20 2314Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG108[x]
Beta FornacisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Gigante vermelha, UV-emission sourceG173[x]
Beta HydriStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarG25[x]
CapellaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG43[x]
CD-41 359Star, Infra-Red sourceG171[x]
CD-58 4207Star, Infra-Red sourceG129[x]
Chi EridaniStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG58[x]
Chi HerculisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission sourceG52[x]
Delta PavonisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG20[x]
Delta PhoenicisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG142[x]
Delta TrianguliStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG35[x]
DK Ursae MajorisStar, Infra-Red source, Variable of RS CVn type, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG104[x]
DubheStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable StarG123[x]
Epsilon AndromedaeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG164[x]
Epsilon ScutiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG538[x]
Eta AndromedaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG229[x]
Eta DraconisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG92[x]
Eta HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG109[x]
Eta NormaeStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG219[x]
g EridaniStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG210[x]
Gamma HorologiiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red sourceG182[x]
Gliese 3002Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG128[x]
HIP 104903StarG148[x]
HIP 116616Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG160[x]
HIP 12638Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red sourceG148[x]
HIP 24681Star, Infra-Red sourceG152[x]
HIP 25191Star, Infra-Red sourceG185[x]
HIP 28460Star, Infra-Red sourceG171[x]
HIP 32916StarG144[x]
HIP 6512Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, X-ray sourceG184[x]
HIP 7245Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG171[x]
HIP 80250Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG140[x]
HIP 83983Star, Infra-Red sourceG211[x]
HIP 98714Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG201[x]
HR 5297Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG182[x]
HR 5632Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG80[x]
i BootisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, Eclipsing binary of W UMa type (contact binary), X-ray sourceG42[x]
Iota CapricorniStar, Variable of BY Dra type, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG197[x]
Iota TucanaeStar, Infra-Red source, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG305[x]
k PerseiStar, Infra-Red sourceG211[x]
Kappa FornacisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Pre-main sequence Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG72[x]
KornephorosStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG139[x]
Lambda AndromedaeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Variable of RS CVn type, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG86[x]
Lambda SerpentisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG40[x]
LTT 149Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG76[x]
LTT 1581Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG116[x]
LTT 1582Star, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG116[x]
m CentauriStar, Infra-Red sourceG260[x]
m TauriStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG50[x]
MebsutaStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable StarG845[x]
OgmaStar, High proper-motion StarG121[x]
Omicron Ursae MajorisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG179[x]
Phi VirginisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG135[x]
Pi FornacisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG294[x]
Pi MensaeStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG60[x]
Q ScorpiiStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG165[x]
Rho CassiopeiaeStar, Emission-line Star, Infra-Red source, Semi-regular pulsating Star, Variable StarG11649[x]
Rho IndiStar, Infra-Red sourceG87[x]
SadalbariStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG106[x]
SAO 99049Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG106[x]
Sigma DraconisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG19[x]
Tau CetiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG12[x]
VindemiatrixStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG110[x]
W SagittariiStar, Double or multiple star, Classical Cepheid (delta Cep type), Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable StarG2078[x]
Wolf 1326Star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion StarG120[x]
Xi HydraeStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission source, X-ray sourceG130[x]
Yed PosteriorStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG107[x]
Zeta HerculisStar, Double or multiple star, Star in double system, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG34[x]
Zeta LupiStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red sourceG118[x]
1 GeminorumStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, Estrela binária, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG155
11 Leonis MinorisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, Variable of RS CVn type, UV-emission source, Variable Star, X-ray sourceG37
112 PisciumStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, Rotationally variable Star, UV-emission source, Variable StarG110
13 OrionisStar, Double or multiple star, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG90
13 TrianguliStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG102
14 TauriStar, Infra-Red source, UV-emission sourceG409
15 Leonis MinorisStar, Infra-Red source, High proper-motion Star, UV-emission sourceG60